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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Kimberly Scott dies, loses health battle


Soyini Grey
2002 days ago
Kimberly Scott

Kimberly Scott

An­nounc­er at 96.1 WE FM Kim­ber­ly Mitchell-Scott has died. Mitchell-Scott had been ail­ing for some time.

She was di­a­bet­ic and had bat­tled mul­ti­ple health crises in the past, in­clud­ing prob­lems with her kid­neys.

She re­cent­ly de­vel­oped kid­ney fail­ure and then con­tract­ed a se­ries of in­fec­tions, the last be­ing pneu­mo­nia.

She died on Wednes­day evening.

Sta­tion own­er Tony Chow Lin On post­ed a trib­ute to Mitchell-Scott on his so­cial me­dia say­ing in part, “Dear Kim­ber­ly, time will not erase the spe­cial bond that we cre­at­ed, the mo­ments we shared, the work done, the things we built to­geth­er, the hap­py ‘scan­dals’ you cre­at­ed dai­ly. I will for­ev­er be grate­ful for the priv­i­lege of hav­ing you in our lives, your brav­ery, strength and courage will con­tin­ue to in­spire. There is no end, fly with the an­gels, rest in eter­nal peace, we will al­ways love you.”

With­in his trib­ute was a ref­er­ence to “The Mid-Morn­ing Scan­dal” the pro­gramme Mitchell-Scott co-host­ed with Kevin “Tom­my” James and Clyde “The Out­law” Jem­mott.

Williams-Scott was a pop­u­lar voice on the ra­dio sta­tion.

Shur­land Glas­gow, pro­gramme di­rec­tor at Trinidad & To­ba­go Ra­dio Net­work (TTRN) said, “She loved broad­cast­ing, she loved me­dia, she loved in­ter­act­ing with peo­ple, and she was one of the best fe­male broad­cast­ers of the new era.”

She joined 96.1WE FM about 10 years ago. The com­pa­ny held a tal­ent search to find new tal­ent, and she won the com­pe­ti­tion

“She al­ways dis­played an amaz­ing mix of youth­ful in­no­va­tion with clas­sic, old-school broad­cast tal­ent. Raw tal­ent,” said for­mer pro­gramme di­rec­tor at TTRN Paul Richards. He said he recog­nised her as a leader from since then.

He de­scribed her as hav­ing a very en­thu­si­as­tic spir­it and said that she man­aged to keep her bright out­look de­spite deal­ing with sev­er­al health crises over the last two years. Some­thing he at­trib­uted to her be­ing sup­port­ed by her lov­ing hus­band and two daugh­ters.

Richards said a few weeks ago, he got to­geth­er with a few of her friends to pur­chase a wheel­chair for Mrs. Mitchell-Scott, to aid with her mo­bil­i­ty. And even then, she re­tained her bright out­look. He said her death is re­al­ly hard to take, “but I guess she is in a bet­ter place”.

Be­fore land­ing on ra­dio, Williams-Scott broke ground as the se­lec­tor for the first and on­ly all-fe­male Sound Sys­tem, Nu­bian Sound.

The mic-woman for the sound sys­tem, Guardian jour­nal­ist Bo­bie-Lee Dixon, de­scribed her as one of the “bad­dest” fe­male disc-jock­eys ever and said if Nu­bian Sound was still to­geth­er, Kim­ber­ly would have been a mu­si­cal force to reck­on with.

Be­fore she be­came a ra­dio an­nounc­er her­self, Mitchell-Scott would sit in Dixon’s shifts on Red96.7 to learn the ropes.

Speak­ing of her friend, Dixon said, “Kim­ber­ly wasn’t a fear­ful per­son, even with her ill­ness she was up­beat.”

She con­tin­ued, “dur­ing our last con­ver­sa­tion, she was en­cour­ag­ing me to get back out there (on the ra­dio).”

Mitchell-Scott leaves to mourn her hus­band Javier Scott, and their two young daugh­ters.

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