King of Soca, the Biography of Machel Montano written by his mother Elizabeth Montano has won top honours in the 14th Annual International Book Awards.
The awards feature publications submitted from international organizations which include Penguin Random House, Wiley, Hachette Books, McGraw-Hill, Routledge, Rowman & Littlefield, Tor Books, HCI Press, Hay House, among others and hundreds of national along with international Independent Houses and authors that contribute to this outstanding Competition. King of Soca was self-published by EESM, Elizabeth Montano.
Announced in Los Angeles in June 2023 by the American Book Fest King of Soca has won the Best Interior Design category.
KOS was also among the finalist in four other categories Best Cover Design Nonfiction, Biography General, Nonfiction Cross Genre and Performing Arts, Film, Theatre, Dance and Music.
Designed by local Design Company Praktis Design Ltd, which is headed by Marlon Darbeau and Blayne Clarke, KOS was printed by Office Authority in Trinidad and Tobago.
This will be the second International Award for KOS coming after the announcement of an Addy Award for Best of Print and Overall Best in Show. The book has also won the Gold ADDY for Book Design and Silver for Publication Cover Design.