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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lebanese man abducted, beaten and robbed


Anna-Lisa Paul
5 days ago

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing in­to the ab­duc­tion of a 37-year-old Lebanese man who was robbed and beat­en on Sun­day, be­fore be­ing re­leased by his ab­duc­tors in San­ta Cruz a short while lat­er.

Po­lice said the vic­tim, who lives in Aranguez, was walk­ing south along the Aranguez Main Road, near the Aranguez Plaza, when a gold Nis­san Ti­i­da stopped along­side him at 9.30 am on March 9.

The vic­tim recog­nised one of the sus­pects and stopped to speak with him, when two oth­er men came out of the ve­hi­cle and pushed him on­to the back seat.

One of the men was armed with a gun. The vic­tim was beat­en about the body as the men stole $3,000 in cash, and an Ap­ple iPhone 16 val­ued at $10,000.

The sus­pects de­mand­ed more mon­ey and threat­ened to kill the vic­tim, as they con­tin­ued beat­ing him.

Po­lice said the as­sailants dropped him off at Cu­tu­cu­pano Road, San­ta Cruz. With the as­sis­tance of a pass­ing mo­torist, the vic­tim was tak­en to the San­ta Cruz Po­lice Sta­tion, fol­low­ing which of­fi­cers took him to the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex, Mt Hope.

He was treat­ed for swelling to the left eye; bruis­es on the left side of his face; cuts to the right side of the head; and bruis­ing to the fore­arm and right side of the chest. Po­lice are search­ing for the sus­pects.

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