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Friday, March 14, 2025

Legendary wire bender, masman Albert Bailey dies


Jesse Ramdeo
912 days ago

Pi­o­neer­ing wire ben­der and mas­man Al­bert Bai­ley died at his home yes­ter­day at the age of 86.

His pass­ing comes days af­ter an­oth­er mas leg­end - Li­onel Jages­sar - died.

Bai­ley’s rel­a­tives said he was dis­cov­ered un­re­spon­sive by his daugh­ter at his Buller Street home in Wood­brook. A dis­trict med­ical of­fi­cer was con­tact­ed and pro­nounced him dead.

Al­bert was the broth­er of mas icons George and Alvin Bai­ley and was part of the Bai­ley Car­ni­val dy­nasty.

The broth­ers were con­sid­ered in­stru­men­tal to the Car­ni­val land­scape for decades.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, Bai­ley’s daugh­ter, Lee Ann, de­scribed her fa­ther as an amaz­ing artist who was ac­tive in the Car­ni­val scene up un­til his death.

“He had no legs; he was in a wheel­chair for four years and he still bend­ing wire and he still do­ing every­thing. He worked on a piece, a Scar­let Ibis, with his grand­daugh­ter for this coun­try’s 60th In­de­pen­dence Day an­niver­sary. All my fa­ther knew was wire bend­ing, and worked with some of the great­est, craft­ing some of the most amaz­ing cos­tumes.”

De­spite bat­tling with med­ical com­pli­ca­tions over the last sev­er­al years, Bai­ley’s rel­a­tive ex­plained that he nev­er turned his back on his love for the art form of wire bend­ing.

Al­li­son Bai­ley said her fa­ther’s skill knew no bounds.

“I re­mem­ber a school­girl had come from Bish­op Anstey and she want­ed some­thing drawn in wire and he did a horse in wire for this child and she was so amazed that Mis­ter Bai­ley did this and she got full marks and she was so proud of her­self,” said Al­li­son.

Hav­ing been men­tored by her grand­fa­ther, Al­en­dra Bai­ley promised that Car­ni­val 2023 will be ded­i­cat­ed to him.

“My pledge is to pass it on from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion. My grand­fa­ther al­so did a lot of work over­seas and one thing I could tell you is that he was al­ways full of life and vibes, his en­er­gy was al­ways good,” said Al­en­dra.

No date has yet been set for the leg­endary wire ben­der’s fu­ner­al.

Last Sat­ur­day, cel­e­brat­ed mas­man Li­onel Jages­sar Snr passed away at his home in San Fer­nan­do.

Jages­sar will be laid to rest on Fri­day.

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