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Friday, March 14, 2025

Lewdness and 'warships' can get you locked up for Carnival


37 days ago


When the Car­ni­val fever hits, do re­mem­ber that lewd be­hav­iour can get you in trou­ble.

And don't try be­ing too cre­ative ei­ther by mak­ing your ve­hi­cle look like a tank, war­ship or rock­et launch­er, or you just might find your­self an­swer­ing to a mag­is­trate for your wild in­dis­cre­tions.

The rea­son? Well, the 2025 Car­ni­val Reg­u­la­tions are out as is done every year around this time, with specifics on what you can and can­not do.

And yes, re­gard­less of how sweet the mu­sic might be or how much the al­co­hol flows, you must keep im­moral­i­ty in check due to a spe­cif­ic clause that states; "A per­son shall not in­dulge in be­hav­iour or ges­tures which are im­moral, lewd or of­fen­sive."

You're al­so pro­hib­it­ed from singing or recit­ing any lewd or of­fen­sive song, so watch those pot­ty mouths.

While the Reg­u­la­tions are void of a de­f­i­n­i­tion of what con­sti­tutes lewd be­hav­iour or lyrics, a prop­er gauge can be found at the Cor­nell Law School's Le­gal In­for­ma­tion In­sti­tute's on­line page, defin­ing 'lewd' as "con­duct that is in­de­cent, ob­scene, or las­civ­i­ous."

As for the tanks and war­ships that you may think are fan­ci­ful, the clause sim­ply states that you shall not dri­ve or dis­play any ve­hi­cle dis­guised as a tank, ar­moured mil­i­tary ve­hi­cle, rock­et launch­er, ar­tillery or war­ship.

If you’re al­ready build­ing one, you’d bet­ter shout 'Halt' to that project.

Oth­er pro­hi­bi­tions in­clude car­ry­ing any ex­plo­sive or smoke-pro­duc­ing sub­stance or any­thing like­ly to pro­duce smoke and dri­ving or trav­el­ling in any mo­tor ve­hi­cle when masked or fa­cial­ly dis­guised.

And while the old tra­di­tion of "Pay the Dev­il" has ex­ist­ed in some quar­ters, the Reg­u­la­tions al­so pro­hib­it any­one from smear­ing or daub­ing on any oth­er per­son, "any sub­stance, mat­ter or thing, or with in­tent to in­tim­i­date or to ob­tain from that oth­er per­son any mon­ey or valu­able thing, at­tempt or threat­en to smear or daub on that oth­er per­son any sub­stance, mat­ter or thing."

The Reg­u­la­tions state that any per­son who, dur­ing the pe­ri­od of Car­ni­val 2025, con­tra­venes any of these reg­u­la­tions com­mits an of­fence and is li­able on sum­ma­ry con­vic­tion to a fine not ex­ceed­ing $1,000 and im­pris­on­ment for six months.

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