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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Lost Tribe wins Large Band of the Year


Kejan Haynes
11 days ago
The Lost Tribe, presentation of In Time cross the stage at South Quay Port of Spain on Carnival Tuesday.

The Lost Tribe, presentation of In Time cross the stage at South Quay Port of Spain on Carnival Tuesday.


Ke­jan Haynes

The Lost Tribe claimed the Se­nior Band of the Year (Large Cat­e­go­ry) ti­tle on March 4, 2025, with their por­tray­al, "Lost in Time." Scor­ing 1324 points, their pre­sen­ta­tion in the Cre­ative cat­e­go­ry im­pressed with its in­no­va­tion and ex­e­cu­tion.

Close be­hind in sec­ond place, Trinidad All Stars earned 1111 points for their por­tray­al, "Sailors Ashore in Brazil." RC Mas Band took third place with 861 points for "Shall We Dance," an­oth­er strong en­try in the Cre­ative cat­e­go­ry.

Oth­er no­table per­for­mances in­clud­ed Pa­parazzi Car­ni­val’s "Can­vas" (809 points), Show­time Car­ni­val’s "Spec­trum" (748 points), and Mar­di Gras TT’s "Phoenix Ris­ing" (585 points). In the Fan­ta­sy cat­e­go­ry, stand­out scores came from YU­MA’s "Echoes of IERE" (429 points), Spir­it Mas’ "Spir­it Is­land" (393 points), Hearts’ "Bliss" (283 points), Au­ra’s "Gem­stone Dreams" (273 points), and Agra’s en­try with 264 points.

With this win, The Lost Tribe con­tin­ues to es­tab­lish it­self as a dom­i­nant force in the large band cat­e­go­ry with their third win in a row and their fourth over­all.

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