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Friday, February 28, 2025

Loud explosion heard after American Airlines plane lands at SVG airport


38 days ago
Passengers leaving the American Airlines plane at the Argyle International Airport in St Vincent. (CMC Photo)

Passengers leaving the American Airlines plane at the Argyle International Airport in St Vincent. (CMC Photo)

Fire­fight­ers at the Ar­gyle In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port in St Vin­cent were re­spond­ing to an in­ci­dent in­volv­ing an Amer­i­can Air­lines air­craft soon af­ter it land­ed there on Mon­day af­ter­noon.

The ex­act na­ture of the in­ci­dent is not clear at this time, but eye­wit­ness­es told the Caribbean Me­dia Cor­po­ra­tion (CMC) that at 4:46 pm (lo­cal time), they had “just heard a big ex­plo­sion” from an air­craft that just land­ed at the Ar­gyle Air­port.

“Fire trucks from the air­port just went to as­sist,” one eye­wit­ness said, adding that smoke had been seen com­ing from the land­ing gear of the air­craft be­fore it went out of sight.

Im­ages from a Face­book live video by Travis Har­ry around 5:10 pm (lo­cal time), showed the air­craft near the east­ern end of the run­way.

Pas­sen­gers from the air­craft were de­plan­ing via stairs and were be­ing board­ed on minibus­es, pre­sum­ably for trans­porta­tion to the ter­mi­nal. Fire trucks al­so were seen near the air­craft as this was tak­ing place.

Au­thor­i­ties are yet to com­ment on the in­ci­dent.

This is the first ma­jor in­ci­dent at the air­port, which was opened on Feb­ru­ary 14, 2017. —KINGSTOWN, St. Vin­cent (CMC)


Sto­ry by KEN­TON X. CHANCE | Caribbean Me­dia Cor­po­ra­tion (CMC)

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