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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Machel passes Superblue as T&T's most decorated calypso/soca artiste


Ian Wason
11 days ago

Machel Mon­tano's vic­to­ry in the 2025 Road March com­pe­ti­tion has made him the most dec­o­rat­ed ca­lyp­son­ian/so­ca artiste from Trinidad and To­ba­go, with 18 ti­tles across ma­jor com­pe­ti­tions.

Mon­tano's 11th Road March not on­ly equals the late Lord Kitch­en­er for the most ti­tles in that cat­e­go­ry.

He has al­so won five So­ca Monarch ti­tles, one Ca­lyp­so Monarch and one So­ca Chut­ney Monarch dur­ing his il­lus­tri­ous ca­reer.

Pri­or to this Car­ni­val sea­son Su­perblue led the race with 17 ma­jor ti­tles fol­lowed by The Mighty Spar­row and Mon­tano with 16.

Mon­tano's Chut­ney So­ca Monarch vic­to­ry brought him on par with Su­perblue with 17 be­fore pass­ing him as the Road March ti­tle be­came his 18th ma­jor win.

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