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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Man crushed by tree in Rio Claro


23 days ago

Sascha Wil­son and

Kellyann Lemessy

With­in the space of three days, two men have been crushed to death by trees in the Ma­yaro/Rio Claro dis­trict.

In the lat­est in­ci­dent, the body of 64-year-old An­drew Ram­per­sad was found by his friend un­der a large tree trunk near his Navet Vil­lage, Rio Claro, home on Mon­day.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands Ram­per­sad was ren­o­vat­ing his home at Jairam Trace, which has been in his fam­i­ly since the 1950s.

His rel­a­tives and friends were as­sist­ing him.

On Sat­ur­day, they de­cid­ed to cut down a mas­sive cedar tree about 30 to 50 feet tall near his home. How­ev­er, the tree be­came lodged in a near­by man­go tree, so they used a rope to try to se­cure it to the man­go tree. Ram­per­sad’s nephew, Mar­lon, who was help­ing him, told Guardian Me­dia that a rel­a­tive warned his un­cle not to ven­ture close to the tree.

“The last thing my cousin tell him is don’t stay be­low there, that house.”

How­ev­er, Ram­per­sad’s friend was ty­ing his bi­son to graze on Mon­day when he passed by Ram­per­sad’s house and called out to him. He got no an­swer. He then saw his body un­der the tree. De­scrib­ing his un­cle as hum­ble, he said Ram­per­sad nev­er both­ered any­one.

He said his un­cle had no chil­dren and his wife passed away years ago.

In a sim­i­lar in­ci­dent on Sat­ur­day, 69-year-old Biche res­i­dent An­tho­ny Morales died af­ter be­ing crushed by a tree he was cut­ting in Cadette Trace, Bris­tol Vil­lage, Ma­yaro.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.

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