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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Manning wants partnership with Michael B. Jordan


1364 days ago
Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Brian Manning MP.

Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Brian Manning MP.



One gov­ern­ment min­is­ter has come out in sup­port of Hol­ly­wood ac­tor, Michael B. Jor­dan, us­ing the name “J’Ou­vert” as his rum brand, eye­ing po­ten­tial gains this coun­try can de­rive.  

Min­is­ter in the Min­istry of Fi­nance, Bri­an Man­ning MP, ac­knowl­edges that the com­ments made in the trade­mark doc­u­ment about the mean­ing of J’ou­vert were un­for­tu­nate. Ac­cord­ing to the trade­mark reg­is­tra­tion page, the word J’Ou­vert does not have any mean­ing in a for­eign lan­guage, a state­ment which has an­gered cit­i­zens. 

How­ev­er, Man­ning says Jor­dan, well known for his role as Erik Kill­mon­ger in “Black Pan­ther”, has apol­o­gized for the com­ments, and the next step should be cap­i­tal­is­ing on any po­ten­tial ben­e­fits.

“Some of the com­ments made in the trade­mark doc­u­ment are un­for­tu­nate, but he has come out and apol­o­gized,” Man­ning said.

“The Gov­ern­ment of Trinidad and To­ba­go should work with Michael B Jor­dan to de­vel­op this rum in­to a glob­al brand,” he added.  

In fact, he be­lieves if this is suc­cess­ful, some of the pro­ceeds from the sales, “should be con­tributed to de­vel­op­ing lo­cal arts and cul­ture.”  

“If he would con­sid­er this, I am sure this is some­thing the Gov­ern­ment would be will­ing to dis­cuss,” Man­ning in­di­cat­ed.

Man­ning could not say whether there have been any of­fi­cial ef­forts by the Gov­ern­ment to reach out to the Hol­ly­wood Ac­tor.  

The sit­u­a­tion es­ca­lat­ed since Sun­day, af­ter In­sta­gram posts showed the launch of J’Ou­vert rum with a box set and a brief de­scrip­tion about the ori­gins of the word. The box al­so con­tained bot­tles of An­gos­tu­ra Bit­ters. 

“He has apol­o­gized, we all make mis­takes, but I think it is still some­thing we can use to ben­e­fit Trinidad and To­ba­go,” Man­ning told Guardian Me­dia.

Man­ning hopes this coun­try and the Gov­ern­ment can work close­ly with Michael B Jor­dan.

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