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Monday, February 24, 2025

Maria Paul’s mother finally receives DNA confirmation 


Shane Superville
32 days ago
 Maria Paul

Maria Paul

The moth­er of Maria Paul has fi­nal­ly re­ceived DNA con­fir­ma­tion that hu­man re­mains found in Waller­field are those of her daugh­ter.

Paul, 19, was last seen at the home of a male ac­quain­tance in the Heights of Aripo, on Sep­tem­ber 12, 2024. Sev­er­al pieces of cloth­ing be­lieved to be those of Paul's were found in the days af­ter her dis­ap­pear­ance, be­fore hu­man re­mains were even­tu­al­ly found in a shal­low grave. Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, on Thurs­day, Paul's moth­er, Ria Hus­sein-Thomp­son said she col­lect­ed the DNA re­port, which con­firmed the re­mains were in fact those of her daugh­ter. She said she was grate­ful to fi­nal­ly re­ceive the re­sults and clo­sure.

 "It's a heart­break­ing thing be­cause I nev­er got the chance to en­joy the com­pa­ny of my daugh­ter as an adult. "She just turned 19-years-old and this came and hap­pened to her." Hus­sein-Thomp­son added that while she now has clo­sure, the grief was still a part of her life, as there have been no up­dates on ar­rests in re­la­tion to her daugh­ter's mur­der. She how­ev­er thanked the Hunter's Search and Res­cue Team for its sup­port and guid­ance in fol­low­ing-up on the case. Hus­sein-Thomp­son said she in­tend­ed to hold her daugh­ter's fu­ner­al this Sat­ur­day.


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