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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Military Museum to remain on site, case resumes May 9


Derek Achong
5 days ago
The old BWIA aircraft and military vehicle on the compond of the Military Museum in Chaguarmas.

The old BWIA aircraft and military vehicle on the compond of the Military Museum in Chaguarmas.

The Ch­aguara­mas Mil­i­tary His­to­ry and Aero­space Mu­se­um (CMHAM) will re­main on its site un­til, at least un­til May 9.

Dur­ing a hear­ing on Mon­day morn­ing, High Court Judge Joan Charles con­tin­ued the in­junc­tion against the Ch­aguara­mas De­vel­op­ment Au­thor­i­ty (CDA) that was grant­ed by her col­league late last week.

Pre­sent­ing pre­lim­i­nary sub­mis­sions, the CDA’s lawyer Justin Phelps, SC, said his client was seek­ing to have the in­junc­tion dis­charged.

Phelps claimed that the in­junc­tion was sought on a “false premise” as he sug­gest­ed that the CMHAM failed to dis­close facts rel­a­tive to its pro­posed evic­tion.

He al­so ques­tioned the mu­se­um’s de­lay in fil­ing its state­ment of case as re­quired un­der the Civ­il Pro­ceed­ings Rules.

Jus­tice Charles gave the par­ties dead­lines for fil­ing their sub­mis­sions on whether the in­junc­tion should be con­tin­ued or dis­charged.

She re­served May 9 to ei­ther de­liv­er her de­ci­sion on the in­junc­tion or hear fur­ther sub­mis­sions.

On Oc­to­ber 1, last year, the CDA with­drew its 30-year lease.

The CDA said it made sev­er­al at­tempts to reg­u­larise the mu­se­um as a lessee, but in the last four years, it did not re­ceive a sub­stan­tive re­sponse from the mu­se­um’s pro­pri­etors, who con­tin­ued to op­er­ate on the land with­out pay­ing rent.

On Feb­ru­ary 28, the CDA made good on its evic­tion threats as it took over the fa­cil­i­ty and changed the locks.

Days lat­er, the CDA wrote to the mu­se­um’s board in­struct­ing it to re­move all the arte­facts from the com­pound with­in sev­en days.

Late last week, High Court Judge Devin­dra Ram­per­sad grant­ed the in­junc­tion restor­ing the mu­se­um’s ac­cess to the fa­cil­i­ty.

The CMHAM was rep­re­sent­ed by Glen Bhag­wans­ingh.


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