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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mohammed’s family further affected by murder photos on social media


Sascha Wilson
1138 days ago

The fam­i­ly of mur­dered moth­er-of-two Sali­na Mo­hammed says the grue­some pho­tos of her bloody body cir­cu­lat­ing on so­cial me­dia have ex­ac­er­bat­ed their agony.

Rel­a­tives were re­luc­tant to speak with re­porters but they want­ed the per­son or peo­ple be­hind the cam­era that took those pho­tos to know that what they did was wrong and in­sen­si­tive.

Mo­hammed, 41, was shot to death in her ve­hi­cle sec­onds af­ter she left her home at Palmiste Bend, Co­conut Dri­ve, San Fer­nan­do, on Wednes­day morn­ing.

While Mo­hammed’s purse and cell­phone were stolen, po­lice have not yet ruled rob­bery as the mo­tive.

A close rel­a­tive said, “It is very in­sen­si­tive for so­cial me­dia to be putting out wrong in­for­ma­tion con­cern­ing the pic­tures and so on. It is af­fect­ing us be­cause it is a sad mo­ment for every­body and it is even more trau­ma­tiz­ing see­ing the way how it hap­pen. Peo­ple need to be more sen­si­tive on so­cial me­dia. This is not some­thing just for shares and likes it is a life that was lost.”

She did not want to make any fur­ther com­ments.

Mo­hammed’s hus­band was not home.

Her daugh­ter turned 16 yes­ter­day, but the home was de­void of laugh­ter or bal­loons.

In­stead, rel­a­tives were still in dis­be­lief as they try to make sense of what hap­pened and why she was killed.

Mo­hammed al­so had a sev­en-year-old son.

A po­lice re­port stat­ed that Mo­hammed, a floor man­ag­er at a com­pa­ny in San Fer­nan­do, left her home short­ly be­fore 8 am to go to work.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors were told that a short dis­tance away a man wear­ing a black cap and face mask was seen stand­ing at the front pas­sen­ger win­dow of her ve­hi­cle and seemed to be hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with her. As Mo­hammed’s ve­hi­cle took off in a speed, three loud ex­plo­sions were heard and the ve­hi­cle crashed in­to a wall.

The man then ran off and en­tered a ve­hi­cle that sped off.

Con­cerned about the num­ber of mur­ders in and around San Fer­nan­do, San Fer­nan­do May­or Ju­nia Re­grel­lo is ex­pect­ing that Ag Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Mc­Don­ald Ja­cob will de­vise a plan for them to ad­dress crime in the south­ern city.

“If there are guns for hire, they will be hired. Who is hir­ing these peo­ple? Who are pay­ing for these peo­ple to do these things? There is an­oth­er crim­i­nal el­e­ment to this. The peo­ple who are call­ing the shots and who are pay­ing the ex­e­cu­tion­ers are al­so a part. Peo­ple who are not prepar­ing them­selves for em­ploy­ment have be­come very des­per­ate and have ac­cess to guns,” he added.

Crime Scene In­ves­ti­ga­tors re­trieved two spent 9mm shell cas­ings at the scene.

Po­lice ob­served gun­shot wounds to Mo­hammed’s face and up­per body. An au­top­sy, how­ev­er, still has to be done at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre.

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