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Thursday, March 27, 2025

New term a tough challenge for mother of 9


Sascha Wilson
1660 days ago
Crystal Charles with some of her children at their Princes Town home  yesterday.

Crystal Charles with some of her children at their Princes Town home yesterday.


For many par­ents, it’s chal­leng­ing to pro­vide for one child. Thir­ty-three-year-old Crys­tal Charles has nine chil­dren, five of whom are in school. Pro­vid­ing elec­tron­ic de­vices for them to ac­cess their ed­u­ca­tion in the new school term is there­fore a tough prospect for Charles.

Her moth­er as­sists her in car­ing for the chil­dren while her step­fa­ther is the sole bread­win­ner.

The fam­i­ly re­ceives no so­cial grants and no fi­nan­cial as­sis­tance from the fa­thers of the chil­dren. The chil­dren range in ages from 17 years to eleven months. The four youngest are two sets of twins. Two of the chil­dren at­tend the St John’s An­gli­can School, two at­tend a pri­vate kinder­garten school, an­oth­er at­tends a spe­cial school while the old­est girl at­tends Bar­rack­pore AS­JA Girls.

Speak­ing at their Princes Town home while breast­feed­ing one of the ba­bies yes­ter­day, Charles said her old­est daugh­ter has been re­ceiv­ing work from her school but she has re­ceived no word from the oth­er schools.

“We don’t have no lap­top or any­thing but a friend said they will try to help us get a lap­top,” said grand­moth­er Di­anne De­o­raj, 50.

They ap­plied for a food card but were un­suc­cess­ful.

Charles said, “We try to ap­ply but we nev­er get through with the food card. Some­times I have is­sues get­ting things for them to eat but I don’t go and beg no­body. What­ev­er it have to cook I does make it nuff and I cook and make it for them to eat. They don’t go hun­gry at all. They like mac­a­roni, they like chips, they like chick­en, they like hot­dog and bread.”

But she said they need clothes and shoes. Charles said she tries to stretch the lit­tle she has to main­tain her chil­dren.

“I don’t get no as­sis­tance from the chil­dren’s fa­thers. I just strug­gle all alone with my nine chil­dren. My step­fa­ther does help me and my moth­er does help me with them too.”

She sur­vived an abu­sive re­la­tion­ship and not­ed her abuser still ha­rass­es her fam­i­ly.

“I am afraid to leave the house be­cause of him. I afraid he at­tack me. He used to beat me plen­ty and drag me, burn me with cig­a­rette and take ad­van­tage of me,” she said.

Al­though they have not ap­plied for a gov­ern­ment house, she is hop­ing they could find a home where the rent or mort­gage is af­ford­able. Their rent is cur­rent­ly $2,500 a month.

“We re­al­ly need a house of our own. Rent is be hard to pay.” Asked if it was her in­ten­tion to have so many chil­dren, she said, “Not re­al­ly but God give me them so I can’t ne­glect them. I have to keep my nine chil­dren with me.”

Due to the cir­cum­stances, she said her el­dest child has since dropped out of school and found a job. Any­one will­ing to as­sist the fam­i­ly could con­tact them on 470-0145.

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