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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Nineteen-year-old charged with murder


1041 days ago

Nine­teen-year-old Aaron Ali has been charged with the mur­der of 45-year-old Ju­nior Rivers which oc­curred on April 14. He is ex­pect­ed to ap­pear be­fore the Ari­ma Mag­is­trates’ Court to­day. 

Ali, who is self-em­ployed, of Kel­ly Street, Cara­po, was charged yes­ter­day by WPC Di­az of the Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions (HBI) Re­gion Two Of­fice with mur­der, at­tempt­ed mur­der, and pos­ses­sion of firearm, am­mu­ni­tion, firearm to en­dan­ger life and am­mu­ni­tion to en­dan­ger life, re­spec­tive­ly. 

Ali was ar­rest­ed on May 5th at his home and lat­er charged with the of­fences fol­low­ing the ad­vice re­ceived on May 10th by Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions, Roger Gas­pard, SC. 

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports, on April 14th, 2022, Rivers, an air con­di­tion­ing tech­ni­cian of Cou­va, who re­sides at Darceuil Lane, Bel­mont, was shot and killed at Cir­cu­lar Road, Pey­tonville Road, Ari­ma. The en­quiry al­so in­clud­ed ASP Dou­glas, Inps John and Sylvester and Sgt Stanis­laus with ad­di­tion­al le­gal ad­vice pro­vid­ed by In­sp Ram­jag of the HBI Re­gion Two Of­fice.

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