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Saturday, March 29, 2025

‘October is Calypso History Month’


Nasser Khan
2372 days ago

Oc­to­ber was of­fi­cial­ly de­clared “Ca­lyp­so His­to­ry Month” in 2002 by TU­CO (Trin­ba­go Uni­fied Ca­lyp­so­ni­ans Or­gan­i­sa­tion). Start­ing to­mor­row, TU­CO will use this spe­cial month to fo­cus on a se­ries of cel­e­bra­to­ry events, in­clud­ing ex­hi­bi­tions and lec­tures aimed at ed­u­cat­ing the na­tion on the role that the ca­lyp­so art­form has played in the so­cial and po­lit­i­cal de­vel­op­ment of Trinidad and To­ba­go. For in­for­ma­tion call TU­CO at 623-9660.

Start­ing next Sun­day, a four-part se­ries en­ti­tled “By Ca­lyp­so our Sto­ries are Told”, a fa­mil­iar re­frain, cour­tesy First Cit­i­zens, will fo­cus on some of the ca­lyp­soes that have doc­u­ment­ed sig­nif­i­cant events in our his­to­ry.

Ca­lyp­soes, through their po­et­ic lyrics and rhythms, cap­ture a lot of our his­to­ry by telling our sto­ries in song, like no his­to­ry book can. Ac­cord­ing to one of our ear­li­er ca­lyp­so­ni­ans, Lord Be­gin­ner, “When I sing about a crick­et match, you didn’t have to read the news­pa­pers again.” And so it is with many ca­lyp­soes that we will fea­ture in the up­com­ing Sun­day Guardian se­ries.

Ca­lyp­so unites us as a so­ci­ety on many lev­els, as do so­ca, chut­ney so­ca, so­ca parang and rap­so, recog­nised art­forms spawned by the orig­i­nal ca­lyp­so genre. We are in­deed the “Land of Ca­lyp­so” and should trum­pet that proud­ly.

Many have con­tributed to the de­vel­op­ment of the art­form…writ­ers, mu­si­cians, pro­duc­ers, pro­mot­ers and of course the ca­lyp­so­ni­ans, many of whom are im­mor­talised through their works. Lest we for­get, we re­mem­ber and cel­e­brate our ca­lyp­so­ni­ans:

The Ear­ly Pi­o­neers, up to the mid-1950’s:

Atil­la the Hun (Ray­mond Queve­do/1892-1962)

Ex­ecu­tor (Phillip Gar­cia/1880-1952)

Hou­di­ni (Wilmoth Hen­dricks/1885-1973)

Rail­way Dou­glas (Wal­ter ‘Chief­tain’ Dou­glas/1895-1971)

Lord Ca­ress­er (Ru­fus Cal­len­der/1910-1976)

Growler (Er­rol Duke/ in the 1930’s and 40’s)

Roar­ing Li­on (Raphael de Leon/1908-1999)

Duke of Iron (Ce­cil An­der­son/1906-1968)

Lord In­vad­er (Ru­pert Grant/1914-1961)

King Ra­dio (Nor­man Spann/start­ed singing in the ear­ly 1930’s)

Growl­ing Tiger (Neville Mar­cano/1916-1993)

La­dy Trinidad (Thel­ma Lane/1914-1999

Spoil­er (Theophilus Phillip/1926-1960)

Lord Pre­tender (Aldric Far­rell/1917-2002)

Lord Kitch­en­er (Ald­wyn Roberts/1922-2000)

Oth­er no­table ca­lyp­so­ni­ans of the era: Cristo/Christo­pher Laid­low, Iron Duke/Bry­lo Ford, Viper/Rod­er­ick Lewis, Mac­beth the Great/Patrick Mc­Don­ald, Go­ril­la/Charles Grant, De­stroy­er/Don­ald Glas­gow, Zieg­field/Per­cy Si­mon, Killer/Cephas Alexan­der, Sir Gal­ba/George Mc­Sween, Small Is­land Pride/Theo Woods, Gibral­tar/Sid­ney Ben­jamin, Dic­ta­tor/Ken­ny St. Bernard, Spit­fire/Carl­ton Gumbs.

Among the lat­er gi­ants of ca­lyp­so (in the 1950’s and 60’s and be­yond):

Lord Kitch­en­er (Ald­wyn Roberts/1922-2000) who tran­scend­ed the 40’s and ear­li­er 50’s

Mighty Ter­ror (Fitzger­ald Hen­ry/1921-2007)

Lord Melody (Fitzroy Alexan­der/1926-1988)

Mighty Spar­row (Slinger Fran­cis­co/1935-present)

Lord Blakie (Carl­ton Joseph/1932-2005); Mighty Bomber (Clifton Ryan/1928-present)

Lord Nel­son (Robert Nel­son/1930- )

Lord Bryn­er (Kade Si­mon/1937-1980).

Oth­er pi­o­neers:

Lord Shorty/Ras Shorty I (Garfield Black­man/1941-2000), so­ca pi­o­neer; Sun­dar Popo (1943-2000), chut­ney so­ca pi­o­neer; Crazy (Ed­win Ay­oung/1944-present), parang so­ca pi­o­neer; Lancelot Layne and Broth­er Re­sis­tance (Lu­ta­lo Masim­ba), rap­so.

Of more re­cent vin­tage (ca­lyp­son­ian so­bri­quet on­ly):

Mighty Duke, Mighty Chalk­dust, Denyse Plum­mer, Ca­lyp­so Rose, Mighty Stal­in, Mighty Shad­ow, Su­perBlue, David Rud­der, Machel Mon­tano, Rik­ki Jai, Mae­stro, Scrunter and many more.

Nass­er Khan is the au­thor of the book “He­roes, Pi­o­neers & Role Mod­els of Trinidad & To­ba­go”, which is avail­able as a free down­load at­faripub­li­ca­­i­t­i­zen­stt/he­roe­spro­filestt/. In it are fea­tured our pi­o­neer­ing ca­lyp­so­ni­ans in the chap­ter Cul­ture and the Arts. He has al­so au­thored the “His­to­ry of West In­dies Crick­et through Ca­lyp­soes”…doc­u­ment­ing the lyrics of over 200 crick­et-themed ca­lyp­soes from 1926 on­wards. He has al­so writ­ten many news­pa­per and mag­a­zine ar­ti­cles on ca­lyp­so, mas and steel­pan.

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