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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

PAHO: COVID-19 cases dropping in countries with more vaccines


1335 days ago
Director of the Pan American Health Organization Dr Carissa F Etienne,

Director of the Pan American Health Organization Dr Carissa F Etienne,


As COVID-19 in­fec­tions and deaths con­tin­ue to de­crease in the Amer­i­c­as, the Pan Amer­i­can Health Or­gan­i­sa­tion (PA­HO) says the in­equity of vac­cine ac­cess proves that vac­ci­na­tions are work­ing.

Dur­ing PA­HO’s week­ly COVID-19 brief­ing yes­ter­day, di­rec­tor Dr Caris­sa Eti­enne said last week’s da­ta had showed that in­fec­tion rates were de­creas­ing in coun­tries with high­er vac­cine cov­er­age, while in­creas­ing in coun­tries that had bare­ly vac­ci­nat­ed their pop­u­la­tions.

With re­ports that some coun­tries have vac­cines close to ex­piry, Eti­enne ap­pealed to them to do­nate to coun­tries in the re­gion. She said un­less all coun­tries are pro­tect­ed, the world will not be safe against COVID-19.

“We face a pan­dem­ic of the un­vac­ci­nat­ed, and the on­ly way to stop it is to ex­pand vac­ci­na­tions. Vac­cines are crit­i­cal, even if no vac­cine is 100 per cent ef­fec­tive. Just as im­por­tant are the pub­lic health mea­sures like phys­i­cal dis­tanc­ing, mask-wear­ing, avoid­ing crowds and al­so in­fec­tion con­trol mea­sures like test­ing, con­tact trac­ing, quar­an­tine and iso­la­tion,” Eti­enne said.

She said the Amer­i­c­as re­port­ed a slight de­crease in COVID-19 sta­tis­tics from the pre­vi­ous week, with over 967,000 new cas­es and 22,000 deaths. While the de­creas­ing trend seems good, Eti­enne said it shows a re­gion di­vid­ed by vac­cine ac­cess.

For ex­am­ple, in Cos­ta Ri­ca, where one in three peo­ple are vac­ci­nat­ed, there is a steady de­crease in COVID-19 cas­es. South Amer­i­can coun­tries like Uruguay, Chile and Ar­genti­na are al­so re­port­ing a steep de­cline in cas­es. The in­fec­tion rate in Cana­da and most of the USA are al­so drop­ping. How­ev­er, da­ta shows that USA states that are re­port­ing in­creas­es are those with low­er vac­ci­na­tion rates.

Eti­enne said this demon­strates the im­por­tance of vac­ci­na­tions in con­trol­ling the virus.

It is a con­trast­ing pic­ture in Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean, where on­ly 15 per cent of the peo­ple are vac­ci­nat­ed. Low-in­come coun­tries like Hon­duras and Haiti, which re­cent­ly re­ceived do­na­tions from the USA, are yet to vac­ci­nate 1 per cent of their pop­u­la­tions, she said. 

Cas­es are al­so ac­cel­er­at­ing in most Cen­tral Amer­i­can coun­tries, with Guatemala re­port­ing high in­fec­tions and hos­pi­tal­i­sa­tions. In the Caribbean, cas­es are spik­ing in Cu­ba and Mar­tinique had a tripling.

Eti­enne said the da­ta clear­ly showed the need for more vac­cines now. She said the USA gov­ern­ment pledged to do­nate 12 mil­lion vac­cine dos­es to the Caribbean and Latin Amer­i­can coun­tries. So far, PA­HO has helped de­liv­er 4.5 mil­lion dos­es to El Sal­vador, Bo­livia, Hon­duras and Haiti.

PA­HO is al­so ex­pect­ing more do­na­tions from the USA and Cana­da. Spain pledged to de­liv­er 750,000 dos­es and France ex­pressed will­ing­ness to sup­port PA­HO’s ef­forts. Vac­cines are al­so reach­ing some coun­tries through bi­lat­er­al talks.

While com­mend­ing those coun­tries for shar­ing vac­cines to the re­gion, she said the re­al­i­ty is that it needs more. She said with­out vac­cines, there is a greater risk of more peo­ple falling sick and dy­ing.

So far, 47 coun­tries and ter­ri­to­ries in the Amer­i­c­as have de­tect­ed one vari­ant of con­cern, and 11 have all four - Al­pha, Be­ta, Gam­ma and Delta. Eti­enne warned that new vari­ants will emerge as long as the SARS/COV2 virus con­tin­ues to spread.

PA­HO as­sis­tant di­rec­tor Dr Jar­bas Bar­bosa said the CO­V­AX Fa­cil­i­ty, with the as­sis­tance of PA­HO’s Re­volv­ing Fund, de­liv­ered sev­en mil­lion dos­es to nine coun­tries in the re­gion and ex­pects to ship an­oth­er 3.7 mil­lion to oth­er coun­tries by late Ju­ly.

While there is still vac­cine hes­i­tan­cy, Dr Jairo Mén­dez, PA­HO re­gion­al ad­vi­sor on Vi­ral Dis­eases, said all the World Health Or­gan­i­sa­tion-ap­proved vac­cines are ef­fec­tive against COVID-19 vari­ants. He said while vac­cines are not 100 per cent ef­fec­tive, peo­ple should note their suc­cess in pre­vent­ing hos­pi­tal­i­sa­tions and deaths.

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