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Friday, February 28, 2025

Paray sorry to see Browne withdraw from Diego West race


38 days ago
UNC MP Dr Rai Ragbir,  UNC MP Rushton  Paray ( centre) and Foreign Affairs Minister Amery Browne (right) at the Santa Rosa RC Church in January 2025.

UNC MP Dr Rai Ragbir, UNC MP Rushton Paray ( centre) and Foreign Affairs Minister Amery Browne (right) at the Santa Rosa RC Church in January 2025.

Roberto Codallo

Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Ma­yaro Rush­ton Paray says he is dis­ap­point­ed that the For­eign and CARI­COM Af­fairs Min­is­ter, Dr Amery Browne, has cho­sen to with­draw from screen­ing for the Diego Mar­tin West con­stituen­cy.

A guest on to­day’s edi­tion of CNC3’s The Morn­ing Brew show, the Ma­yaro MP re­count­ed his ex­cel­lent work­ing re­la­tion­ship with Dr Browne when he served at this coun­try’s am­bas­sador to Brazil and de­scribed him as “a states­man” whose “pro­fes­sion­al­ism is un­matched”.

“I am dis­ap­point­ed and sad­dened that he has cho­sen to with­draw his can­di­da­cy for the Diego Mar­tin West seat,” Paray told Guardian Me­dia.

“I, too, be­lieve that there are many ways to serve one’s coun­try,” he said, “and per­haps, Dr Browne, in his mind, will con­tin­ue to serve Trinidad and To­ba­go—in an­oth­er place, in an­oth­er form—and I com­mend him for the work that he con­tin­ues to do.”

MP Paray ob­served that there is a need for younger politi­cians with new per­spec­tives, and con­ced­ed that he, too, is hop­ing to see new faces with­in the UNC.

But, he main­tains, there still is a need for ex­pe­ri­enced politi­cians.

“I have no prob­lem with youth. Young peo­ple are im­por­tant in the po­lit­i­cal frame,” he points out, “but there must be a good mix in­side the pol­i­tics. You must have per­sons with the ex­pe­ri­ence and in­sti­tu­tion­al knowl­edge.”

Like sev­er­al oth­ers weigh­ing in on the is­sue, the Ma­yaro MP is not con­vinced that all is well with­in the Peo­ple's Na­tion­al Move­ment.

How­ev­er, he be­lieves this pos­es an op­por­tu­ni­ty for the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress.

“In the UNC, we are very hap­py for the po­lit­i­cal tur­moil in the PNM,” he ad­mit­ted. “The more bac­cha­nal [takes place] in­side there, the bet­ter it is for us po­lit­i­cal­ly while we try to sta­bilise our own boat.”

On Fri­day, Min­is­ter of For­eign and Cari­com Af­fairs, Dr Amery Browne, with­drew his name from the PNM’s nom­i­na­tion process for the Diego Mar­tin West seat.

At present, the con­stituen­cy is rep­re­sent­ed by Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley, who is ex­pect­ed to va­cate it soon.

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