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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Paria survivor says he is still unable to work


415 days ago
Christopher Boodram at his Claxton Bay home yesterday.

Christopher Boodram at his Claxton Bay home yesterday.



Se­nior Mul­ti­me­dia Re­porter



Christo­pher Boodram, the lone sur­vivor of the Paria div­ing tragedy, ad­mit­ted in an on­line fo­rum host­ed by the group Keep it Re­al Pol­i­tics on Tues­day night, that he still can’t muster the strength or willpow­er to re­turn to work. He said his fam­i­ly sur­vives on the salary of his wife, a nurse at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal.

In re­sponse to a ques­tion from for­mer Oc­cu­pa­tion­al Safe­ty and Health in­spec­tor Safraz Ali, Boodram said: “Fi­nan­cial­ly, it’s tough. We are sur­viv­ing on the bare min­i­mum.

“The day-to-day bur­dens of in­fla­tion al­so make it dif­fi­cult to pay for every­thing, in­clud­ing our bills. Two days ago, I got a let­ter for land tax. That is an added bur­den on my shoul­ders. At this point, I can­not work.”

Boodram said with­out the ef­forts of his wife, his chil­dren would have suf­fered.

He ex­plained: “I am not get­ting enough sleep. I went to bed at 3.30 am and then at 6.30, I got up. I am rest­less dur­ing the day. The on­ly sleep I get is from pure fa­tigue.

“When I try to sleep, I gasp for breath. I feel cold and wet like I am back in the pipeline. I suf­fer from anx­i­ety. It’s like re­liv­ing the mo­ment every sin­gle night. All the coun­selling, sleep­ing tablets, men­tal ex­er­cis­es—I don’t know if it helps. How many sleep­ing tablets can I take with­out dam­ag­ing my body? It’s tough.”

Boodram’s at­tor­ney, Prakash Ra­mad­har, has called for an ex gra­tia pay­ment of $5 mil­lion to be paid to Boodram and the fam­i­lies of divers Rishi Nages­sar, Yusuff Hen­ry, Kaz­im Ali Ju­nior, and Fyzal Kur­ban who died on Feb­ru­ary 25, 2022, while do­ing off­shore main­te­nance work on a Paria pipeline.

A Com­mis­sion of En­quiry that looked in­to that trag­ic in­ci­dent made rec­om­men­da­tions for cor­po­rate manslaugh­ter charges to be laid against Paria ex­ec­u­tives and deemed the state en­er­gy com­pa­ny to be neg­li­gent for fail­ing to mount a res­cue mis­sion while the men were alive in­side the pipeline.

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