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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

PDP and Tobago Forwards form coalition ahead of next THA elections  


1590 days ago



The Pro­gres­sive De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Pa­tri­ots (PDP) has joined forces with the To­ba­go For­wards (TF) to face the Peo­ples Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) in the next To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly Elec­tions.

Deputy Po­lit­i­cal Leader of the PDP, Far­ley Au­gus­tine, re­vealed the names of the can­di­dates on the PDP slate on so­cial me­dia on No­vem­ber 9.  Among the per­sons list­ed was Pas­tor Ter­ance Baynes, who re­cent­ly was ap­point­ed the Po­lit­i­cal Leader of the To­ba­go For­wards; at­tor­ney Christlyn Moore for­mer­ly held the po­si­tion. 

Au­gus­tine said af­ter care­ful de­lib­er­a­tion, the par­ty de­cid­ed to join forces with the TF, which has put their own op­er­a­tions “on hold” to form the coali­tion.

“And the par­ty agreed to go with the coali­tion,” he ex­plained, “as the ob­jec­tive is to se­lect can­di­dates that are com­mu­ni­ty-ori­ent­ed, with a pas­sion for ser­vice.” 

The can­di­date launch was streamed live on So­cial Me­dia from a class­room at Spey­side where Au­gus­tine said:

“We are com­ing to you hum­ble in a sim­ple class­room where I be­gan my jour­ney as a teacher.”

The PDP Can­di­dates for the next THA elec­tions are:

●  Par­latu­vi­er/L’anse Four­mi/Spey­side -Far­ley Au­gus­tine 

●  Good­wood/Belle Gar­den West- Dr. Faith B. Yis­rael 

●  Buc­coo/Mt Pleas­ant  - Jamie Baird 

●  Bethel/Mt Irvine – Pas­tor Ter­ance Baynes 

●  Lam­beau/ Sig­nal Hill – Wayne “Wasp” Clarke 

●  Belle Gar­den East/ Rox­bor­ough/ De­laford – Wat­son Duke 

●  Ply­mouth/ Gold­en Lane –Zor­isha Hack­ette

●  Scar­bor­ough/ Calder Hall – Trevor James 

●  Ba­co­let/ Mt St George – Megan Mor­ri­son 

●  Prov­i­dence/ Ma­son Hall/Mo­ri­ah – Ian “Whitey” Pol­lard 

●  Canaan/Bon Ac­cord – Joel “Nuttsy Samp­son 

●  Black Rock/Whim/Spring Gar­den –Ab­by Tay­lor


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