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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Peacemaker trying to part fight killed


Rhondor Dowlat-Rostant
1557 days ago

A 39-year-old man who at­tempt­ed to part a fight was in­stead stabbed to death in Matu­ra on Tues­day night.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice, at about 8.45 pm Dar­ron Mc David, 39, of Lp 4 Rail­way Road Guaico, #2 San­gre Grande, went to part a fight be­tween per­sons he knew near the Hon­ey Cor­ner Bar, Mo­ra Trace, Matu­ra.

How­ev­er, eye­wit­ness­es told po­lice that while he was at­tempt­ing to stop the fight, he was stabbed once in the left up­per ab­domen by one of the brawl­ing men. Mc David col­lapsed on the scene and died.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.

In an un­re­lat­ed in­ci­dent, Shel­don Richard was iden­ti­fied as the man dis­cov­ered dead in the trunk of a ve­hi­cle found aban­doned in Waller­field on Tues­day,

Richard, 41, of #225 Plover Cres­cent, La Hor­quet­ta, had been re­port­ed miss­ing since De­cem­ber 13 by his wife.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 1.15 pm on Tues­day, of­fi­cers act­ing on in­for­ma­tion went to Cu­mu­to Main Road, near the old en­trance to the Waller­field race track, which is on the west­ern side. The of­fi­cers went ap­prox­i­mate­ly 100 me­tres in­side the com­pound where they found an aban­doned white Nis­san Ti­i­da li­censed as PCX 4898.

On fur­ther check­ing, the of­fi­cers saw flies cir­cling the trunk area and a brown liq­uid around the trunk lid.

As­sis­tance was re­quest­ed and of­fi­cers from the Ari­ma CID re­spond­ed.

The of­fi­cers gained ac­cess to the in­side of the ve­hi­cle via the dri­ver’s side door glass and opened the trunk. In­side of­fi­cers found Richard’s body.

The scene was processed by Crime Scene In­ves­ti­ga­tors. The Dis­trict Med­ical Of­fi­cer vis­it­ed the scene, made his pro­nounce­ments and or­dered the body re­moved pend­ing a post-mortem ex­am­i­na­tion.

Po­lice said they were told by Richard’s wife that her hus­band was re­port­ed miss­ing since 7.37 pm on De­cem­ber 13 from his home.

Po­lice are yet to de­ter­mine a mo­tive for his killing.

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