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Saturday, March 1, 2025

PM: $263,580 a day for Jean de la Vallette

Too much says UNC


Gail Alexander
2153 days ago
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley speaks with, from left, National Security Minister Stuart Young, Finance Minister Colm Imbert,  Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi and Planning and Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis during yesterday’s sitting of Parliament.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley speaks with, from left, National Security Minister Stuart Young, Finance Minister Colm Imbert, Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi and Planning and Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis during yesterday’s sitting of Parliament.


The con­tro­ver­sial Jean de la Valette fer­ry is be­ing leased by Gov­ern­ment for 34,500 Eu­ros a day, Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has con­firmed.

With the cur­ren­cy con­ver­sion rate at TT$7.64 to one Eu­ro, the 34,500 dai­ly Eu­ro rate which Row­ley gave in Par­lia­ment yes­ter­day works out to be about TT$263, 580 a day for the fer­ry.

Row­ley gave the dai­ly lease cost while re­ply­ing to Op­po­si­tion ques­tions af­ter Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress whip David Lee sought the cost of leas­ing the fer­ry, in­clud­ing crew, sup­plies and se­cur­ing it.

Row­ley said the 34,500 Eu­ro dai­ly rate was the over­all cost of leas­ing and op­er­at­ing the fer­ry. He didn’t have fig­ures on the cost to re­lo­cate the ves­sel (from Eu­rope) to T&T. He said en­gi­neer­ing as­sess­ments for dredg­ing the Port of Port-of-Spain to ac­com­mo­date the ves­sel are cur­rent­ly be­ing made. As soon as this cost is fi­nalised and work com­plet­ed, he said Par­lia­ment would be in­formed.

The ves­sel is be­ing leased for a year (with op­tion for six more months) to as­sist the To­ba­go fer­ry ser­vice. It re­cent­ly gen­er­at­ed con­tro­ver­sy due to is­sues con­cern­ing its back­ground.

Yes­ter­day, af­ter Row­ley gave the ves­sel’s dai­ly lease cost, UNC sen­a­tor Sad­dam Ho­sein took is­sue with the dai­ly (TT) quar­ter mil­lion cost to tax­pay­ers, which he point­ed out was high­er than the costs to lease the Su­per Fast Gali­cia and even Cabo Star ves­sels.

Ho­sein said, “Gov­ern­ment has tak­en a de­ci­sion to have tax­pay­ers foot this ob­scene­ly high cost of 34,500 Eu­ros per day - just over quar­ter mil­lion dol­lars a day - which at the end of its one-year lease would have cost the pub­lic over TT$91 mil­lion.”

Ho­sein not­ed that the cost to lease the Su­per Fast Gali­cia was US$17,500 a day (ap­prox TT$117, 425) and the Cabo Star was US$22,500 a day (TT$150, 975). The dai­ly cost of an­oth­er leased fer­ry, the Ocean Flower 11 was US$26,500 (ap­prox TT$185,500). That con­tract was ter­mi­nat­ed in Au­gust 2017.

“These costs are nowhere close to the Jean de la Valette’s cost. Since this ves­sel comes with the op­tion to lease for an ad­di­tion­al six months, the PNM could even end up bur­den­ing tax­pay­ers with a $136 mil­lion bill over­all. This may be the most ex­pen­sive ves­sel any Gov­ern­ment’s leased and it comes with a back­ground of al­leged de­fects and ar­bi­tra­tion trou­ble.”

Ho­sein added, “Apart from the fact this cost rais­es more ques­tions, we’re al­so still un­aware of the ad­di­tion­al costs re­lat­ed to this ves­sel: cost to mo­bilise the ves­sel to T&T, to dredge the Port to ac­com­mo­date it, le­gal fees and oth­er as­so­ci­at­ed ex­pens­es.

“NID­CO’s al­so con­firmed the ves­sel would re­quire a ramp for pas­sen­gers, ve­hi­cles and car­go to dis­em­bark - so that cost is still to come al­so, as well as the cost of the of­fi­cers who trav­elled to Mal­ta to in­spect this ves­sel.”

He added: “Why is such a high-cost fer­ry nec­es­sary for a year? Are tax­pay­ers - or who’s re­al­ly ben­e­fit­ting from this deal? Where is Gov­ern­ment go­ing to find the mon­ey for this ves­sel, con­sid­er­ing the Fi­nance Min­is­ter re­cent­ly said cash was ‘tight?’”

On oth­er Op­po­si­tion queries yes­ter­day, Row­ley dis­missed as “UNC gos­sip” queries on “swirling re­ports” that a min­is­ter - who’s a ma­jor­i­ty share­hold­er in the for­mer Kay Don­na dri­ve-in be­ing ac­quired for the Curepe In­ter­change - re­ceived $100 mil­lion in com­pen­sa­tion.

Row­ley said, “I don’t re­spond to ru­mours, gos­sip and mis­chief on ‘re­ports swirling’ - I know of no ‘swirling re­ports’. I know of no min­is­ter who re­ceived any mon­ey or any $100 mil­lion. This is just UNC gos­sip!”

Row­ley al­so said ap­pro­pri­ate prepa­ra­tions are be­ing made by the Fi­nance Min­istry on the re­cent­ly an­nounced Hous­ing Bonds’ and it’s an­tic­i­pat­ed the min­istry would be in a po­si­tion to ad­dress this in the mid-year re­view.

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