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Thursday, March 27, 2025

PM: State has saved billions on projects


Renuka Singh
1751 days ago
 Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley looks at the Curepe Interchange  after it was officially commissioned on Monday.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley looks at the Curepe Interchange after it was officially commissioned on Monday.


Renu­ka Singh

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has boast­ed that his Gov­ern­ment saved bil­lions of dol­lars on sev­er­al projects since com­ing in­to of­fice in 2015.

As he of­fi­cial­ly opened the Curepe In­ter­change on Mon­day, Row­ley list­ed sev­er­al projects that were al­ready on the ta­ble be­fore the 2015 gen­er­al elec­tions but which car­ried much high­er costs, in­clud­ing the high­way ex­ten­sion to Point Fortin and the Curepe In­ter­change.

On the high­way ex­ten­sion to Point Fortin project alone, Row­ley said the Gov­ern­ment was able to save some $3 bil­lion. On the Curepe In­ter­change, he said the Gov­ern­ment saved $200 mil­lion.

When he took of­fice, the Prime Min­is­ter said the ini­tial cost of the Curepe In­ter­change project was pegged at $440 mil­lion. He said al­though he was not an en­gi­neer or a quan­ti­ty sur­vey­or, he "knew" that that cost was too high. He said Gov­ern­ment was able to get that price down to $221 mil­lion.

Re­gard­ing the high­way to Point Fortin project, Row­ley said on­ly one con­trac­tor was se­lect­ed.

Al­though he did not name the com­pa­ny, it is pub­lic knowl­edge that Brazil­ian com­pa­ny Con­stru­to­ra OAS was award­ed that con­tract. How­ev­er, the com­pa­ny went bank­rupt in 2015 and the Point Fortin project was stalled.

Row­ley re­called that when his Gov­ern­ment came in­to pow­er, they found the pro­tec­tion clause in the con­tract that would give the coun­try al­most a bil­lion-dol­lar in­sur­ance pay­out from ter­mi­nat­ing the deal was re­moved. He said re­mov­ing that clause gave the bank­rupt com­pa­ny a $921 mil­lion gift. How­ev­er, he said in 2016, his Gov­ern­ment took Con­stru­to­ra OAS to court and re­cov­ered that mon­ey.

The PM said giv­ing the deal to one con­trac­tor had "ben­e­fits" for some peo­ple. He said the ini­tial bud­get for the Point Fortin High­way ex­ten­sion project was $4 bil­lion on the eve of the 2010 gen­er­al elec­tion but it went up to $7 bil­lion af­ter the elec­tion. He said his Gov­ern­ment even­tu­al­ly saved some $3 bil­lion on the con­tract from Gol­con­da to Point Fortin.

"We knew and we said that that con­tract could be bro­ken up in­to sec­tions, so as to al­low our lo­cal con­trac­tors to be a part of the ten­der­ing process," he said.

Row­ley al­so dis­par­aged the be­lief that gov­ern­ments "fed" them­selves at the ex­pense of tax­pay­ers and said in the five years since he was Prime Min­is­ter, he held to the be­lief that it was not time for his Cab­i­net "to eat" but for the "tax­pay­ers to breathe."

"I don't care what they say on Face­book, this Gov­ern­ment has set the tone for hon­est Gov­ern­ment in T&T," he said.

He said the cur­rent cost-sav­ing tone on projects meant that oth­er in­ter­changes, planned to ease traf­fic con­ges­tion in the east, would now cost much less than ini­tial­ly bud­get­ed.

"If we had to pay $440 mil­lion for this (Curepe In­ter­change), the next five in­ter­changes would have cost us over $2 bil­lion, cause we would have set the tone," he said.

Row­ley said the im­proved and amend­ed pro­cure­ment leg­is­la­tion still would not have helped the Gov­ern­ment save over $200 mil­lion on the Curepe In­ter­change project, which was com­plet­ed by Chi­na Rail­way Con­struc­tion.

"If what passed for com­pe­ti­tion then was al­lowed to pre­vail, you could sim­ply have said that the job was ten­dered and the low­est bid­der was $440 mil­lion and there­fore you gave the con­tract to that bid­der and not the one for $500 mil­lion and no­body in T&T would have had a prob­lem with that," he said.

"But some­body would have walked away with $200 mil­lion more than what was re­quired. I am sure that the con­trac­tors in­volved in this project made a prof­it."

The project, Row­ley said came in at a fi­nal cost of $221 mil­lion. Row­ley said that while he was not an en­gi­neer or a quan­ti­ty sur­vey­or he "knew" that the ini­tial project price for the Curepe In­ter­change was too high.

"I knew what was hap­pen­ing and I knew that if the con­trac­tors were told that you are not go­ing to get the job at that price and we are go­ing back out to ten­der, they will give you a price that is far bet­ter," he said.

He said when the Gov­ern­ment want­ed to build the swim­ming pool in Laven­tille, the ini­tial project cost pre­sent­ed by the Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion of T&T was $24 mil­lion.

"I run Ude­Cott so fast from the Cab­i­net with one ques­tion, if you were go­ing to build a swim­ming pool in your yard, with your mon­ey, will you spend $24 mil­lion on it?" he said.

Row­ley said the fin­ished pool cost less than $5 mil­lion.

Curepe Interchange

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