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Friday, March 14, 2025

PM to investigate access issues at Tobago Registrar General’s office


Elizabeth Gonzales
247 days ago
The Registrar General’s Department, Bacolet Connector Road, Tobago.

The Registrar General’s Department, Bacolet Connector Road, Tobago.


To­ba­go Cor­re­spon­dent

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has promised to in­ves­ti­gate and re­solve re­ports of ac­cess is­sues at the To­ba­go Reg­is­trar Gen­er­al’s of­fice.

It has been re­port­ed that em­ploy­ees from that of­fice have been locked out of the sys­tem once again over the past few days. When this hap­pens, peo­ple on the is­land have dif­fi­cul­ty ac­cess­ing birth and death cer­tifi­cates, with some of them forced to trav­el to Trinidad to ac­cess these doc­u­ments.

At a press con­fer­ence in To­ba­go yes­ter­day, Dr Row­ley said he was rather sur­prised at the news but as­sured that he would look in­to it im­me­di­ate­ly. This mir­rors an in­ci­dent from last year when the To­ba­go of­fice faced sim­i­lar ac­cess prob­lems.

At that time, Chief Sec­re­tary Far­ley Au­gus­tine called on Dr Row­ley and At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Regi­nald Amour for help. Amour ad­mit­ted there was a le­gal mis­un­der­stand­ing that need­ed cor­rec­tion, which was then han­dled with ur­gency. The AG’s of­fice al­so spoke of an im­passe, which was brought to the at­ten­tion of a se­nior coun­sel.

The Prime Min­is­ter al­so ex­plained that a de­vel­op­ment emerged, iden­ti­fy­ing a le­gal prob­lem that need­ed ex­am­i­na­tion and rec­ti­fi­ca­tion. He fur­ther said he un­der­stands the in­con­ve­nience faced by the peo­ple of To­ba­go and is com­mit­ted to rec­ti­fy­ing the prob­lem.

At the time when Dr Row­ley said the mat­ter was re­ceiv­ing ur­gent at­ten­tion from the at­tor­ney gen­er­al, he al­so re­vealed it may re­quire the in­ter­ven­tion of the Cab­i­net.

Now that the is­sue has resur­faced, Dr Row­ley said, “This is sur­pris­ing to me, and I thought we had dealt with this com­pre­hen­sive­ly when it arose a few months ago.”

Yes­ter­day, Dr Row­ley went on to re­call that the last im­passe “had to do with an in­ter­pre­ta­tion by some pub­lic ser­vant as to what the law per­mit­ted.”

He added, “We did in­tact rec­ti­fy it by hav­ing made sure we had the prop­er in­ter­pre­ta­tion and that To­ba­go’s ac­cess to the sys­tem was fa­cil­i­tat­ed.”

Dr Row­ley said he was com­mit­ted to en­sur­ing the is­sue is re­solved quick­ly to pre­vent fur­ther in­con­ve­nience to To­ba­go’s res­i­dents.

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