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Friday, March 14, 2025

Police investigate major break-in, burglary at gated community in Trincity


Anna-Lisa Paul
710 days ago

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing in­to a break-in and rob­bery at Mil­len­ni­um Park, Trinci­ty, on Mon­day – which has now led to some home­own­ers de­mand­ing an­swers as to how the ban­dits gained en­try to the se­cured com­pound.

Fol­low­ing the rob­bery – a quan­ti­ty of US cur­ren­cy along with two firearms, a quan­ti­ty of am­mu­ni­tion; and sev­er­al brand-name watch­es were stolen.

The 33-year-old home­own­er who lives at Olympia Dri­ve told po­lice he left home around 3 am on April 3 and fol­low­ing his re­turn around 3 pm – he dis­cov­ered a door on the west­ern side of the prop­er­ty prised open.

Up­on check­ing, he found the house ran­sacked.

Fur­ther checks re­vealed US $5,000 in cash miss­ing.

Oth­er miss­ing items in­clud­ed one CZ 10 9 mm pis­tol val­ued at TT $35,000; one Benel­li shot­gun val­ued at TT $35,000; one PCP pel­let gun val­ued at TT $23,000; one Ra­do wrist­watch val­ued at TT $40,000; one Guc­ci wrist­watch val­ued at TT $2,000; 25 rounds of 12 gauge car­tridges val­ued at TT $450; and 150 rounds of 9 mm am­mu­ni­tion whose val­ue is yet to be as­cer­tained.

Foren­sic of­fi­cials processed the scene and as­sured that work­able prints had been found.


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