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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Police praised for swift response to Chaguanas grocery robbery


Shastri Boodan
34 days ago

Shas­tri boodan

The Cen­tral Di­vi­sion­al Po­lice re­ceived praise for their swift ac­tion on Tues­day night fol­low­ing a rob­bery at a gro­cery store on Wel­come Road, Long­denville, Ch­agua­nas.

Af­ter 8 pm, four armed men en­tered Da Hua Gro­cery, lo­cat­ed at the cor­ner of Wel­come Road North, Wel­come Road South, and Ra­goo­nanan Road. They point­ed a gun at the head of the em­ploy­ee who was han­dling cash. The em­ploy­ee said the men de­mand­ed mon­ey and then left the store. The em­ploy­ee, who re­turned to work on Wednes­day, said he called his boss, who alert­ed the po­lice.

ASP Dipc­hand of the Cen­tral Di­vi­sion said of­fi­cers were on pa­trol in the area and re­spond­ed im­me­di­ate­ly. He ex­plained that the men fled west along Ra­goo­nanan Road and fired shots at the po­lice, who re­turned fire. When the Toy­ota Axio they were trav­el­ling in reached Koonoo Av­enue, the dri­ver crashed in­to a dust­bin, ran off the road, and the ve­hi­cle was in­ter­cept­ed by po­lice from the west­ern end of the road. Two of the men es­caped on foot in­to a near­by over­grown lot. The three wound­ed ban­dits were tak­en to Ch­agua­nas Health Cen­tre, where they suc­cumbed to their in­juries and died.

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