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Friday, March 14, 2025

Police search for missing businesswoman


Sascha Wilson
546 days ago

Po­lice swooped down on the home of a 62-year-old Pe­nal busi­ness­woman yes­ter­day, af­ter re­ceiv­ing un­con­firmed in­for­ma­tion that she had been ab­duct­ed and mur­dered. Al­though they found no ev­i­dence to sug­gest 62-year-old Christi­na Ad­sette had suf­fered such fate, her where­abouts re­mained a mys­tery up to late yes­ter­day.

Ad­sette’s broth­er told po­lice he last saw her around 7.30 pm on Mon­day at the front gate of her home at Su­chit Trace.

Ad­sette, who resided in Eng­land for sev­er­al years, op­er­ates a foot clin­ic at her home.

Of­fi­cers from the Spe­cial In­tel­li­gence Unit con­tact­ed the Pe­nal Po­lice Sta­tion and re­quest­ed as­sis­tance to in­ves­ti­gate a pos­si­ble ab­duc­tion and homi­cide.

The miss­ing woman’s broth­er was con­tact­ed and met of­fi­cers at her home. He told the po­lice his sis­ter’s per­son­al be­long­ings were in­side her home, in­clud­ing her cell­phones and keys to her ve­hi­cle.

Po­lice said there were no signs of forced en­try and every­thing ap­peared to be in­tact. There were no traces of blood and no work­able fin­ger­prints in the house ei­ther.

Ad­sette’s cell­phones were hand­ed over to the Cy­ber Crime Unit.

When Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed Ad­sette’s home yes­ter­day, the po­lice were speak­ing to her broth­er and his wife. How­ev­er, the rel­a­tives did not speak to the me­dia.

There were for sale signs post­ed in front of the prop­er­ty.

For­mer Pe­nal/Debe Cham­ber pres­i­dent Ram­per­sad Suraj com­plained that the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty is un­der siege.

“There is noth­ing more that the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty can pos­si­bly do. We are pay­ing ran­som mon­ey, pro­tec­tion mon­ey, tax­es, in­stalling bur­glarproof­ing and any­thing we pos­si­bly can for pro­tec­tion,” he said.

Suraj said Pe­nal/Debe res­i­dents have be­come tar­gets of home in­va­sions and oth­er types of crim­i­nal­i­ty. He com­plained that Pe­nal Po­lice Sta­tion is not prop­er­ly re­sourced and this is ham­per­ing the of­fi­cers’ per­for­mance.

“What more can the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty do? All of us are sit­ting ducks,” he said.

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