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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

PM: PNM does not wash dirty linen in public



The PNM does not wash its dirty linen in pub­lic. Prime Min­is­ter Patrick Man­ning made this com­ment dur­ing the par­ty's 54th an­niver­sary cel­e­bra­tions in­ter­faith thanks­giv­ing ral­ly at Bal­isi­er House, Port-of-Spain, yes­ter­day. Its theme was "We've come this far by faith." Al­though he main­tained the PNM did not in­ter­fere in the pol­i­tics of oth­er po­lit­i­cal par­ties, Man­ning boast­ed that the PNM mod­el was the best with re­gard to in­ter­nal or­gan­i­sa­tion and dis­ci­pline. "We take care­ful note of what goes on in oth­er po­lit­i­cal par­ties...We want to know what not to do," he said. He then wad­ed in­to the prac­tice of wash­ing dirty linen in pub­lic. "If you find dirty linen be­ing washed in pub­lic, it has to do with the method of se­lec­tion," Man­ning said.

"If you find peo­ple are wash­ing their dirty linen in pub­lic, it is not the way of the PNM." Com­ment­ing on the modus operan­di of oth­er po­lit­i­cal par­ties, Man­ning said: "Is it right to say what you want about what you want? Then you say yes­ter­day was yes­ter­day to­day, and to­day and to­mor­row will see about it­self. Then you ex­pect we will put con­fi­dence in you." Touch­ing on the top­ic of al­co­hol, he said af­ter World War II, the British elect­ed Sir Win­ston Churchill even though he was a heavy drinker. "They need­ed some­body to hold the coun­try to­geth­er...Af­ter that they vot­ed him out," he said. "If we know some­body drinks, don't you think we should know about it?"

Be­fore mak­ing ref­er­ence to "dirty linen," he spoke about the prac­tice of "one man, one vote. "The minute you say 'one man, one vote,' you are con­duct­ing the par­ty's af­fairs in the full glare of the pub­lic," he said. The par­ty was struc­tured on the del­e­gate sys­tem. The del­e­gates vote in a con­ven­tion." He said PNM op­po­nents had la­belled the use of del­e­gates as "an un­de­mo­c­ra­t­ic ap­proach." Man­ning al­so main­tained that he did not sell his ve­hi­cle to late drug deal­er Dole Chadee. He paid ku­dos to the late his­to­ri­an Dr Er­ic Williams, who had the vi­sion to found the par­ty on Jan­u­ary 24, 1956. "He want­ed to utilise his ed­u­ca­tion for the ben­e­fit and up­lift­ment of the peo­ple of T&T," said Man­ning.

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