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Friday, March 14, 2025

?Panday finds 'hidden' party cards



?De­feat­ed UNC po­lit­i­cal leader Bas­deo Pan­day said yes­ter­day thou­sands of par­ty cards have been found hid­den in an of­fice at Rien­zi Com­plex.

In an in­ter­view yes­ter­day, Pan­day said the par­ty cards were "han­dled" by an of­fi­cial who once worked at Rien­zi Com­plex. Pan­day said he planned to show those cards to the me­dia at a news con­fer­ence to­day at 9 am. "That ex­plains why peo­ple could not find their names on the list," he said. Mean­while, the par­ty's new­ly-elect­ed UNC deputy po­lit­i­cal leader Rood­i­al Mooni­lal said he planned to work with the new Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar ex­ec­u­tive.

He spoke with re­porters dur­ing his vis­it to Rien­zi Com­plex to meet with Pan­day and fel­low Op­po­si­tion par­lia­men­tar­i­ans yes­ter­day. Mooni­lal said he could not pre-judge the new ex­ec­u­tive. He said his role was to take in­struc­tions from the po­lit­i­cal leader and the ex­ec­u­tive based on his com­pe­tence. AB

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