A senior PNM official is expected to join the People's Partnership platform tonight at the party's public meeting in EL Dorado. This was hinted by Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner yesterday during a media launch of the Public Transport Service Corporation's (PTSC) Five Rivers Express Bus Service.
While responding to the claims that Ian Atherly was paid by the People's Partnership to join the party, Warner said: "Tomorrow night (tonight) we have another bombshell to drop at EL Dorado... people are leaving the PNM daily. "Tomorrow (today) at 7.45 pm you would see another speaker and more speakers... they are coming daily."
However, Jack said, if they were to pay all of them the party would become bankrupt.The former San Fernando Mayor made a surprise appearance on the People's Partnership platform last Friday night at the Harris Promenade, San Fernando, when he pledged his allegiance to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. He served as mayor up to 2006 when his political career was seemingly over as he never was given any other opportunity to serve. "Anybody who has to pay Atherly to come across has to be Bill Gates or Donald Trump. Mr Atherly would not bare his soul for any kind of money... it is an insult to him," Warner said.
He added that he wanted to apologise to Atherly and all those who have been insulted by the PNM but he expected that. "They would say all kinds of nastiness and I have no intentions of dignifying anything Mr Rowley says or the acting rasta Mr Fitzgerald Hinds," Warner said. He added if they believed that by saying those things, it would make them relevant then "let them go ahead. But the People's Partnership is a party that serves the people and that has been lacking in the PNM in the past," he added. Meanwhile, addressing issues within the party, Warner was asked to comment on Verna St Rose's decision to leave the party if they reintroduce corporal punishment.
Warner said: "She is entitled to her opinion... I believe and other members who think like me are entitled to ours. "In this Government or party, we believe in collective responsibility and if the party decides that hanging has to be resumed then I would accept and if they say otherwise I would also accept." Warner said. He added he would not hold the party to ransom and decide to resign or not depending on what the party did. "That is not my style," Warner said.