Poultry farmer dies after drinking substance resembling water - Trinidad Guardian Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Online

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Poultry farmer dies after drinking substance resembling water


883 days ago
Gerald Boodoo.

Gerald Boodoo.



A poul­try farmer has died af­ter ac­ci­den­tal­ly in­gest­ing a chem­i­cal at his farm, which he mis­took for wa­ter, ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port.

Ger­ald Boodoo, 44, of Pe­nal Rock Road, Basse Terre Road, Moru­ga, re­turned home from his farm where he rears 8,600 chick­ens short­ly be­fore 2 pm, on Sat­ur­day.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands Boodoo told his wife Tri­cia that he was not feel­ing well, and she gave him a glass of co­la. Boodoo fell asleep on a couch in the liv­ing room. How­ev­er, around 6 pm, he start­ed com­plain­ing of stom­ach pains and be­gan vom­it­ing.  He was giv­en a Gravol tablet.

Re­ports are that at 1 am, the vom­it­ing wors­ened, and Boodoo al­so had de­vel­oped di­ar­rhoea.   Lat­er that morn­ing, at about 7 o' clock, while his wife was speak­ing to the fam­i­ly doc­tor on the phone, Boodoo re­port­ed­ly told her to tell the doc­tor that while on his farm he picked up a bot­tle think­ing it was wa­ter and drank some, but then re­al­ized that it was a chem­i­cal.

The fam­i­ly doc­tor lat­er vis­it­ed him at home and or­dered that he be tak­en im­me­di­ate­ly to the Princes Town Dis­trict Health Fa­cil­i­ty.  While on his way to the health fa­cil­i­ty in his wife's car, Boodoo stopped talk­ing near In­di­an Walk Vil­lage, Moru­ga.

The Po­lice Ser­vice con­firmed that 10 min­utes af­ter Boodoo ar­rived at the health fa­cil­i­ty, a doc­tor pro­nounced him dead.

An au­top­sy is ex­pect­ed to be con­duct­ed this week.

Cpl Dick­ie is in­ves­ti­gat­ing.


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