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Saturday, March 8, 2025

President at Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on vacation


News Desk
2026 days ago
President Paula-Mae Weekes at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on Saturday.

President Paula-Mae Weekes at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on Saturday.

Ian Georgeson

Pres­i­dent Paula-Mae Weekes on Sat­ur­day joined guests in the Roy­al Gallery to watch the per­for­mance of the mil­i­tary spec­tac­u­lar by the Roy­al Ed­in­burgh Mil­i­tary Tat­too.


Up­on her ar­rival, the Pres­i­dent was greet­ed in typ­i­cal Scot­tish man­ner with a quaich con­tain­ing a spe­cial edi­tion The Roy­al Ed­in­burgh Mil­i­tary Tat­too malt done by Glenk­inchie.


A state­ment by the Head of State watched as the Trinidad and To­ba­go De­fence Force Steel Or­ches­tra joined more than 1,100 per­form­ers, show­cas­ing the spe­cial sounds of the na­tion’s tra­di­tion­al steel­pans ac­com­pa­nied by lim­bo dancers, in the spot­light of the icon­ic Ed­in­burgh Cas­tle.

President Paula-Mae Weekes at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on Saturday.

President Paula-Mae Weekes at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on Saturday.

Ian Georgeson


‘Kalei­do­scope’, the theme of this year’s Ed­in­burgh Tat­too, which cel­e­brates the op­ti­cal in­stru­ment patent­ed by Scot­tish sci­en­tist Sir David Brew­ster in 1817.


This year’s show ‘Kalei­do­scope’, which takes place be­tween 2-24 Au­gust, ex­plores light, colour and the glo­ri­ous sym­me­tries of the in­ter­na­tion­al line-up which in­cludes 1,200 per­form­ers from Africa, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca, Chi­na, New Zealand and Eu­rope and 250 of the world’s finest mil­i­tary for the in­cred­i­ble Massed Pipes and Drums.


The spec­ta­cle, which marks its 69th show this year, has tak­en in­spi­ra­tion from the op­ti­cal in­stru­ment first patent­ed by Scot­tish in­ven­tor Sir David Brew­ster in 1817 to pro­vide a 100-minute show filled with glo­ri­ous tech­ni­colour.

- Source: https://www.face­­intt/

President Paula-Mae Weekes at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on Saturday.

President Paula-Mae Weekes at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on Saturday.

Ian Georgeson

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