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Monday, February 17, 2025

Princes Town homeowners fight back in home invasion


Sascha Wilson
32 days ago

Sascha Wil­son

A ban­dit and his co­horts got more than they bar­gained for when a home­own­er fought back.

As they fled, one of the ban­dits fired sev­er­al shots, graz­ing one of the vic­tims, on the shoul­der.

Short­ly af­ter 5 am on Wednes­day, a 76-year-old man was in his yard at Mt Stew­art Vil­lage, Palmyra when three masked as­sailants ac­cost­ed him. They forced him in­to the house at gun­point.

The man's 28-year-old nephew, who heard him bawl­ing, grabbed a cut­lass and be­gan at­tack­ing the ban­dits.

They strug­gled and even­tu­al­ly, the ban­dits ran out of the house. One of the ban­dits opened fire at them as he made his es­cape with a bul­let graz­ing the el­der­ly man on his shoul­der.

The front door was al­so dam­aged. The ban­dits es­caped in a sil­ver Aqua which had a false reg­is­tra­tion plate. Both vic­tims were treat­ed at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. CCTV footage shows that at least one of the ban­dits may have been wound­ed.

The po­lice, how­ev­er, checked the Princes Town Health Fa­cil­i­ty and San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal for pa­tients seek­ing treat­ment for chop wounds but found no records.

Po­lice re­cov­ered four spent 9mm shells at the scene.

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