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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Principal of President College on teacher’s outburst in viral video

‘It was an attack from Satan’


The principal of President College, Haradat Singh speaks during an interview with Guardian Media yesterday.

The principal of President College, Haradat Singh speaks during an interview with Guardian Media yesterday.

Jensen La Vende

Se­nior Re­porter

The prin­ci­pal of Pres­i­dent Col­lege, the school at the cen­tre of a so­cial me­dia con­tro­ver­sy af­ter a vi­ral video of a teacher curs­ing and shov­ing fur­ni­ture around says he for­gives the teacher and is ready to move on.

Prin­ci­pal Hara­dat Singh told Guardian Me­dia that the in­ci­dent was un­for­tu­nate and was not about the teacher and the ac­cu­sa­tions lev­elled against him sub­se­quent­ly, but an at­tack from Sa­tan.

Singh said he is al­so a preach­er and mi­nus a few in­ci­dents where peo­ple have had is­sues with his dis­ci­pli­nar­i­an tac­tics, he has had no is­sues such as was high­light­ed.

In the video, the teacher was seen shov­ing chairs and be­ing re­strained by oth­er teach­ers while curs­ing, say­ing she was tired of be­ing dis­re­spect­ed.

In re­sponse, Singh said the for­mer teacher had per­son­al is­sues, some of which he is aware of but chose not to com­ment on. He said his faith com­pelled him to for­give the teacher and called on oth­er in­sti­tu­tions not to black­list her but give her the op­por­tu­ni­ty to be “a bless­ing to you.”

He said the teacher was sup­posed to have been at the school at 9 am on Tues­day and 30 min­utes past that time she was not there. When she was called, the teacher, he claimed, be­came irate and came to the school five min­utes lat­er.

“In the two min­utes that we spoke she was blam­ing me for call­ing her be­cause she was say­ing ‘You don’t know what I’m go­ing through right now’. But I am not go­ing to go be­yond that, I love her as I love all my staff mem­bers. I can­not be a Chris­t­ian preach­ing about the grace of Je­sus Christ and hate peo­ple.”

Fol­low­ing the video, there were al­le­ga­tions that Singh was un­der­pay­ing his work­ers and over­work­ing them, along with him be­ing a racist.

He ve­he­ment­ly de­nied those claims.

“That ac­cu­sa­tion is an in­sult to my Afro-Trinida­di­an broth­ers and sis­ters. It’s an in­sult be­cause it is say­ing that my Afro-Trinida­di­an broth­ers and sis­ters have eyes, but they can’t see. They have ears, but they can’t hear. Why would you be dwelling with some­one all over these years, and there are so many things that he would do and say to sug­gest that he’s a racist, and you still come and giv­ing your mon­ey to him? It makes ab­solute­ly no sense.”

On the is­sue of not pay­ing his teach­ers a fair wage, Singh said he makes an of­fer to every po­ten­tial em­ploy­ee, and they ac­cept with the un­der­stand­ing they can leave with im­me­di­ate ef­fect, if they so de­sire.

“So, if it is, I am pay­ing you noth­ing, and you’re still not go­ing, and you’re here, well, that goes against you. Some­thing is wrong with you!”

Singh said this in­ci­dent was just free ad­ver­tise­ment but, more im­por­tant­ly, a re­minder from God about him do­ing His will by be­ing a preach­er.

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