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Friday, February 28, 2025

Prison officer held with marijuana and cigarettes at MSP


37 days ago

A Prison Of­fi­cer was grant­ed bail with sure­ty in the sum of $200,000 when he ap­peared in court on Tues­day, charged with pos­ses­sion of cannabis.

Jirome Wal­ters was charged with the of­fence and was grant­ed bail.  The mat­ter was ad­journed to Feb­ru­ary 20, 2025.

Ac­cord­ing to the Po­lice Ser­vice, on Jan­u­ary 15, of­fi­cers were con­duct­ing search­es at the Max­i­mum Se­cu­ri­ty Prison, Arou­ca, when a prison of­fi­cer was ob­served to be act­ing in a sus­pi­cious man­ner.

A search was con­duct­ed of a ve­hi­cle he had rent­ed, which led to the dis­cov­ery of three pack­ages con­tain­ing 540 grammes of mar­i­jua­na and a quan­ti­ty of cig­a­rettes in the dri­ver’s seat. The drug has an es­ti­mat­ed street val­ue of $16,200.

The sus­pect was sub­se­quent­ly charged by of­fi­cers of the Spe­cial In­ves­ti­ga­tions Unit with Pos­ses­sion of Mar­i­jua­na con­trary to Sec­tion 5 (1) of the Dan­ger­ous Drugs Act, Chap­ter 11:25.

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