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Monday, January 20, 2025

Private school warned of legal action


397 days ago
Attorney Gerald Ramdeen

Attorney Gerald Ramdeen


The Oxbridge In­ter­na­tion­al School in San Fer­nan­do has been sent a pre ac­tion pro­to­col let­ter by at­tor­ney Ger­ald Ramdeen on be­half of the par­ents of a stu­dent who has al­leged­ly been barred from at­tend­ing class­es since No­vem­ber 14.

In the let­ter sent on De­cem­ber 12, Ramdeen asked that the child’s par­ents be pro­vid­ed with the de­ci­sion of the school’s aca­d­e­m­ic sub-com­mit­tee. The sub-com­mit­tee was sched­uled to dis­cuss the child’s prospec­tive re­turn to class­es and Ramdeen gave them a dead­line of 4 pm yes­ter­day to state their de­ci­sion, fail­ing which his clients would be ad­vised of the next course of ac­tion. The let­ter claimed the school gave as­sur­ances that a meet­ing will be sched­uled with the stu­dent’s par­ents to dis­cuss the terms of the child’s re­turn to class­es.

“You in­di­cat­ed that this meet­ing was mere­ly a for­mal­i­ty and up­on com­ple­tion of the meet­ing *child named* would re­sume school on Tues­day 12th De­cem­ber 2023.

“No email was re­ceived by my clients and up­on in­quiry from you as to the sta­tus of the meet­ing you in­di­cat­ed that the meet­ing could not be sched­uled due to the fact that *em­ploy­ee named* had to take her child to a den­tist. You in­di­cat­ed that the meet­ing would be sched­uled for Fri­day 8th De­cem­ber 2023 and that no­tice of the meet­ing would be done via email. No no­tice was re­ceived. The promised meet­ing did not ma­te­ri­alise,” the let­ter stat­ed.

Con­tact­ed for com­ment, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Oxbridge In­ter­na­tion­al said the school did not re­ceive any cor­re­spon­dence from Ramdeen and she could not com­ment on any mat­ters in­volv­ing stu­dents.

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