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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

RC Archbishop urges citizens to show more respect


592 days ago

Se­nior Re­porter


Ro­man Catholic Arch­bish­op Ja­son Gor­don urged cit­i­zens to demon­strate deep­er re­spect for one an­oth­er and warned that if ef­forts are not made to ar­rest the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, it could mean con­tin­ued dis­re­spect for Je­sus Christ.

In his homi­ly as he cel­e­brat­ed Cor­pus Christi Mass at the Cathe­dral of the Im­mac­u­late Con­cep­tion, Port-of-Spain, yes­ter­day, Arch­bish­op Gor­den com­pared so­ci­ety to the Eu­charist.

“We are the body of Christ,” he told the packed con­gre­ga­tion, adding that cit­i­zens have a re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to ex­er­cise the same de­vo­tion they do to Je­sus Christ, to­wards each oth­er.

He said: “If we are Christ body, then how we treat each oth­er is re­al­ly im­por­tant. Would you want to see some­body dis­re­spect­ing the Eu­charist? Dis­re­spect­ing the Eu­charist is dis­re­spect­ing Je­sus.”

Gor­don added that dis­re­spect­ing one an­oth­er is akin to dis­re­spect­ing Je­sus.

He urged the con­gre­ga­tion to heed the call by Pope Fran­cis for every­one to walk to­geth­er.

“As we are walk­ing to­geth­er, we have to learn to love one an­oth­er, to re­spect one an­oth­er, to lis­ten to one an­oth­er, to treat one an­oth­er bet­ter,”he said.

“Do you think Trinidad and To­ba­go needs this? The lev­els of dis­re­spect we are see­ing in our so­ci­ety to­day is the lev­el of dis­re­spect that is be­ing (shown) to God him­self.”

Arch­bish­op Gor­don said it is im­por­tant to see each oth­er as be­long­ing to the body of Christ be­cause “then we can’t treat each oth­er with dis­re­spect.”

In­stead, peo­ple have to learn to love one an­oth­er and ac­cept dif­fer­ences with dig­ni­ty and beau­ty which in turn would en­gen­der a deep­er re­spect for hu­man life. He said in­tro­spec­tion is need­ed by in­di­vid­u­als to con­sid­er how they treat each oth­er and if they are liv­ing and walk­ing with one an­oth­er as God would want.

Yes­ter­day’s mass and sub­se­quent pro­ces­sion was at­tend­ed by stu­dents from pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary schools in the Port-of-Spain Ed­u­ca­tion Dis­trict, in­clud­ing a full turn-out of Boy Scouts from Fa­ti­ma Col­lege.

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