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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Regrello to submit Guinness World Record bid for steelpan marathon


28 days ago
Joshua Regrello is surrounded by employees of the Unit Trust Corporation (UTC) at Carlton Centre, San Fernando, during his performance there on Friday 24 January 2025.

Joshua Regrello is surrounded by employees of the Unit Trust Corporation (UTC) at Carlton Centre, San Fernando, during his performance there on Friday 24 January 2025.

T&T's beloved pan­man Joshua Re­grel­lo will sub­mit his Guin­ness World Record bid on Mon­day for the longest steel­pan marathon, which he com­plet­ed last De­cem­ber.

The 26-year-old pan­man said he is fi­nal­iz­ing the last footage of his 31-hour per­for­mance, which brought the coun­try to­geth­er at the end of 2024.

Re­grel­lo, who per­formed for over two hours out­side the Unit Trust Cor­po­ra­tion (UTC) at Carl­ton Cen­tre, San Fer­nan­do, on Fri­day, said the Cor­po­ra­tion’s recog­ni­tion was heart­warm­ing. UTC cel­e­brat­ed his achieve­ments as a young artist and pre­sent­ed him with 5,000 unit shares and com­pen­sa­tion for his per­for­mance.

Speak­ing about his record sub­mis­sion, Re­grel­lo ex­plained the chal­lenges he faced in com­pil­ing ev­i­dence.

“I spent weeks re­spond­ing to ques­tions from Guin­ness and gath­er­ing footage, but the last half hour of my per­for­mance was dis­rupt­ed by fans block­ing the clock. I need­ed clear footage from that part to com­plete my sub­mis­sion,” he said.

Asked about his plans for 2025, Re­grel­lo said his fo­cus re­mains on up­lift­ing steel­pan.

“I am ex­treme­ly tired and still doz­ing. It’s more men­tal fa­tigue than phys­i­cal, but I’ve seen a deep­er ap­pre­ci­a­tion for pan since the feat,” he said.

Re­grel­lo re­flect­ed on the sig­nif­i­cance of his ac­com­plish­ment.

“Some peo­ple say I de­serve a na­tion­al award, but I be­lieve youths should be in­spired by their own po­ten­tial. Dream big. In this in­ter­con­nect­ed world, you can achieve any­thing you set your heart on,” he added.

The record-break­ing per­for­mance, which last­ed from De­cem­ber 29 to 31, has left Re­grel­lo de­ter­mined to con­tin­ue pro­mot­ing steel­pan. He al­so urged young artists to man­age their fi­nances wise­ly, es­pe­cial­ly those work­ing as  free­lancers.

“For two weeks last year, my fi­nances were so de­plet­ed I was sur­viv­ing on crack­ers,” Re­grel­lo ad­mit­ted. “I’m not skilled in fi­nan­cial man­age­ment, but I’ve learned from my mis­takes. I en­cour­age oth­ers to plan and in­vest bet­ter.”

UTC's Man­ag­er Er­i­ca Bleas­dell com­mend­ed Re­grel­lo for his ded­i­ca­tion to the na­tion­al in­stru­ment, call­ing his jour­ney a source of pride for Trinidad and To­ba­go.

She said like Re­grel­lo, the UTC want­ed to in­vest in youth de­vel­op­ment.

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