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Friday, March 14, 2025

Relatives blame ‘little issue’ for murder of Carapo taxi driver


Anna-Lisa Paul
266 days ago
Christino Perreira

Christino Perreira

Se­nior Re­porter


The mur­der of taxi div­er and mi­ni-mart op­er­a­tor Christi­no Per­reira on Wednes­day night has been blamed on a re­cent mis­un­der­stand­ing.

Mourn­ing the loss of the fa­ther of three yes­ter­day, rel­a­tives of the 55-year-old Cara­po, Ari­ma res­i­dent, cried as they said, “He was al­ways a good per­son.”

They lament­ed, “It is so sad he had to die like that.”

Per­reira was shot mul­ti­ple times in the head around 9.18 pm as he ar­rived home.

He was re­port­ed­ly am­bushed as he drove in­to the yard, and shot whilst seat­ed be­hind the wheel with his seat­belt still fas­tened.

Eight spent 9 mm shell cas­ings were col­lect­ed at the scene.

Speak­ing with re­porters at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, yes­ter­day, rel­a­tives, who re­quest­ed their names not be used, plead­ed for an­swers on why a man who had giv­en his life over to God was tak­en so sud­den­ly.They re­mem­bered Per­reira as some­one who al­ways made time to ex­plain the word of the Lord to any­one.

They re­vealed the clean, kind and help­ful man of­ten con­duct­ed Bible class­es on a Sun­day, where he pro­vid­ed that lev­el of spir­i­tu­al sup­port that friends, fam­i­ly and neigh­bours need­ed.

Pressed to say what could have led to the killing, rel­a­tives claimed a “lit­tle is­sue in the area he was liv­ing in” was the cat­a­lyst be­hind the cold-blood­ed mur­der.

While they all agreed that a re­cent mis­un­der­stand­ing was to blame, the why and with whom re­mained un­clear.

Rel­a­tives lament­ed videos which were cir­cu­lat­ed on so­cial me­dia which showed the killing. They de­scribed them as dis­gust­ing.

One rel­a­tive said it was shock­ing and heart-wrench­ing to learn of their loved one’s death on so­cial me­dia be­fore even re­ceiv­ing a phone call from the po­lice.

They ex­pressed de­spair that the crime sit­u­a­tion would get worse, as they said Wednes­day’s killing had brought back the mem­o­ry of Per­reira’s broth­er’s mur­der, which oc­curred four years ago when he was shot 35 times by gun­men at his home.

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