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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Relatives call for answers after man falls off truck and dies


Sascha Wilson
35 days ago

Rel­a­tives of a 50-year-old man who fell off a truck and died in Debe on Mon­day are ques­tion­ing the cir­cum­stances of his death. Po­lice said See­lal John, al­so known as Nin­ja, was in the back of a truck trav­el­ling along Ra­mai Trace around 6.30 pm when he fell off. He died on the road.

A mo­torist told po­lice she saw some­thing fall out of the truck and swerved to avoid dri­ving over it. She on­ly re­alised it was a man when she stopped to in­ves­ti­gate. Rel­a­tives said John of Dig­i­ty Vil­lage, Bar­rack­pore, usu­al­ly did odd jobs in the Debe area and they be­lieve he was head­ing home.

His sis­ter Suzie Har­ri­lal, 54, said when she went to the scene, the truck was not there, but she saw her broth­er’s body on the ground.

“I love my broth­er. I am sad to know how he died. I am sor­ry for what hap­pened.”

Har­ri­lal re­called, “I asked who is the truck man. His grand­par­ents are good peo­ple and they said that the dri­ver did not know that he (my broth­er) was on the truck. I went up to them and asked them.”

She said her broth­er did not de­serve such a death. “If he fell off the truck, they were sup­posed to stop. But they did not stop.”

Mean­while, John’s oth­er sis­ter Leela Joseph, 63, was not con­vinced that the dri­ver did not know that her broth­er was in the back of the truck.

“I would like the dri­ver to come and vis­it me and vis­it the fam­i­ly and tell us ex­act­ly the truth. You can­not let some­body die like that. You have some­body be­hind your truck and you speed­ing or slow down or what­ev­er ... (they) just skate out of your truck and fall?” Joseph de­scribed her broth­er as a hard-work­ing and help­ful per­son who nev­er both­ered any­one. 

John was not mar­ried and had no chil­dren. The truck was im­pound­ed at the Barack­pore Po­lice Sta­tion pend­ing fur­ther in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

The dri­ver was not in cus­tody up to late last evening.

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