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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Republic Bank Exodus to honour Jereem Richards


946 days ago
Jereem Richards celebrates after winning the men's 200m finals  in a speed of 19.80  at the Alexander Stadium at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England, on Saturday.

Jereem Richards celebrates after winning the men's 200m finals in a speed of 19.80 at the Alexander Stadium at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England, on Saturday.


Re­pub­lic Bank Ex­o­dus plans to ho­n­our Jereem Richards for re­quest­ing the na­tion­al an­them be played on the Steel­pan at his re­cent Com­mon­wealth Games medal cer­e­mo­ny.
Ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease from Ex­o­dus, "Jereem's bold re­quest could help high­light the na­tion­al in­stru­ment as a sym­bol of our cre­ativ­i­ty and joie de vivre, and el­e­vate it as an ex­pres­sion of all that's good and unique about us. "

The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease from Re­pub­lic Bank Ex­o­dus:

In recog­ni­tion of Jereem Richard’s pub­lic ap­peal that the na­tion­al an­them of Trinidad & To­ba­go be played on the Steel­pan at his re­cent Com­mon­wealth Games medal cer­e­mo­ny, Re­pub­lic Bank Ex­o­dus plans to hon­or him.
The band reached out to Jer­rem and he has agreed to ac­cept an award at the Ex­o­dus' “Pa­n­yard Open­ing” on Sat­ur­day 27th Au­gust.
We be­lieve that Jereem’s bold re­quest could help to high­light the na­tion­al in­stru­ment as a sym­bol of our cre­ativ­i­ty and joie de vivre, and el­e­vate it as an ex­pres­sion of all that's good and unique about us.  His fer­vent plea was al­so time­ly as it co­in­cid­ed with Pan Month, recog­nised in Au­gust every year, in our na­tion.  His re­quest al­so was made on  tele­vi­sion with glob­al reach, viewed by mil­lions. This act by it­self would have served to bring Pan to the at­ten­tion of hun­dreds of thou­sands of per­sons across the Globe. Hap­pi­ly our Na­tion­al An­them was played on the Steel­pan at his medal cer­e­mo­ny.

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