Senior Political Reporter
The Opposition Leader has proposed several measures once the UNC manages to grab the reins of political power in the country, once again. She detailed these plans, which include the reimplementation of the National Operations Centre and the new Parental Responsibility Act, during her official response to Budget 2025 yesterday in the Lower House of Parliament.
* National Consultation on Crime and Criminal Justice within one month of forming government.
*Consideration of maintenance grants for families of murder victims and victims of serious sexual offences while they cannot work.
*Proposed Parental Responsibility Act - like Canada and UK - to address violence in schools and bullying and as a long-term measure to deter crime.
*Short-term assessment to identify the scale of involvement of illegal immigrants in criminal activity.
* Performance assessment of social projects in National Security.
*Restructure social programmes that have become gang and criminal activity havens.
*Reward system for police officers /divisions where crime is being kept low.
* Enforcement of drug/ liquor laws regarding minors.
*Increased Covert operations at seaports, and airports.
* Enhance/ fully reimplement The National Operations Centre.
* Security Electronic Billboards.
*Provide electronic data access in all Police vehicles; fully computerized crime statistics and reporting [COMPSTAT] system in every police vehicle with GPS and link via NOC.
*Indoor/outdoor shooting ranges for all protective services.
*Training swimming pool facility to train all arms of protective services; proper health/ fitness facilities for TTPS.
* Simulation training theatre for TTPS.
* Noise pollution legislation for mandatory cut-off time for all public events requiring a dancehall licence not held within an enclosed building. Exceptions to be made during the Carnival season.
* Resources to ensure cases involving offences against children and sexual offences are determined rapidly
*Examine restitution mechanisms so prisoners can work to compensate victims and receive time off their sentences for contributions to victims.
*Support for victims including restitution, job placements, housing, and social programmes. Due to low detection/ conviction rate, support will be given regardless of whether someone is caught/convicted.
* State support for children of incarcerated persons and a fund for children who have lost one/both parents to crime.
* To prevent bias, review legislation to enable citizens to hire private attorneys representing their interests at hearings for party and bar licences.
*Increased judiciary support to bring indictable cases to trial within 2 to 3 years.
*Introduce Police officers full-time in all high-risk schools.
*Financial incentive programme for dedicated high-performing teachers based on students’ end-of-term examination results.
* Zero-tolerance approach to any physical violence in schools. Any student physically attacking another must be immediately removed from school and only be allowed to return after completing neuro-diagnostic testing and a proper counselling programme approved by the State.
* Introduce the anonymous anti-bullying app for students to make reports.
*Introduce parent patrols in schools.
*Policy whereby all students must undergo free, mandatory, annual physical and medical screening by State-approved public and private medical doctors to examine for physical abuse, substance abuse, sexual abuse, malnutrition, and diseases.
* After-school meals for children supplied by the School Feeding Programme.
* Work urgently to complete schools, refurbishmentof distressed schools.
*Provision of tablets, laptops.
* Parental Training Initiative; Management Division within the Education Ministry to oversee PT Programme will be initiated as a volunteer participation and incentive system but will be prepared to institute legal and regulatory requirements to ensure PT participation. Certification-type process will be instituted to verify participation.
*Recruit outstanding retired educators in language, and mathematics to continuously conduct workshops.
*Establish the position of master principal to lead/ manage high-risk schools
*Assign principals with proven ability to improve their performance to assist underperforming schools.
* Full-fledged technical university
*Full-time Teaching Service Commission.
* Baby Grant reintroduction. Establish parental support groups for single parents, victims of family violence.
* Support for single parents including after-school care, to ensure children are supervised. Homework centres reintroduced.
*Parenting workshops to address parent-child conflict, parental rejection, parental communication, proper parental supervision, and identification of criminal behaviours in children.
*Fund for faith-based weekly community mentoring and guidance programmes.
* National Cardiac (Bypass) Centre and National Laboratory Centre adjacent to Couva Hospital
*90-minute policy of Heart Attack-to-Stent-Cath Labs for all major Hospitals to enable cardiac stenting on a 24-hour basis within minutes of arrival at the hospital.
*Dialysis Clinics at all major hospitals to enable 24-hour dialysis.
*Mental health services integrated into all routine health service delivery systems.
*Cancer Treatment Centre
*Updating CDAP, streamlining medication, increasing service to rural communities, targeting newer drugs very effective in hypertension and diabetes.
*Audit the number/ qualifications of the many foreigners working in T&T’s health sector while citizens are jobless at home. Employment of more local doctors, nurses
* Review Children’s Life Fund legislation for access to more applicants with diseases not currently included in the Fund.
*Legislation towards unique medical malpractice court and special investigative unit. No Fault Compensation Fund for relief even outside the courts.
*Legislation for Front-of-Package Warning Labeling on food products warning of high sugar, high sodium, and high-fat items.
*Revised energy fiscal incentives system to stimulate drilling.
* Onerous STOW certification will no longer be required; Revert to PLEA certification combined with an expanded role of the OSH agency
*Labour representatives on all State boards
*New government vehicles will be electric, hybrid, or CNG.