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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Rondon praised at thanksgiving function


Ralph Banwarie
2329 days ago
Sangre Grande Regional Corporation chairman Martin Terry Rondon presents Susan Henderson with a wheelchair during Rondon’s Day of Prayer & Sharing and 69th birthday celebration at the Seventh-Day Adventist Primary School, Ojoe Road, Sangre Grande, today.

Sangre Grande Regional Corporation chairman Martin Terry Rondon presents Susan Henderson with a wheelchair during Rondon’s Day of Prayer & Sharing and 69th birthday celebration at the Seventh-Day Adventist Primary School, Ojoe Road, Sangre Grande, today.

Ralph Banwarie

Ralph Ban­warie

Chair­man of the San­gre Grande Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion Ter­ry Ron­don has been praised for his car­ing na­ture and ded­i­ca­tion to pub­lic work.

He was de­scribed as one who leads by ex­am­ple and shows re­spect for each and every one.

These re­marks were made at Ron­don’s Day of Prayer and Shar­ing and to mark his 69th birth­day. The func­tion was held at the Sev­enth-Day Ad­ven­tist Pri­ma­ry School at Ojoe Road, San­gre Grande, to­day.

Sta­cy Ram­roop said Ron­don shows no bias when deal­ing with the pub­lic and would al­ways go be­yond his pow­ers to as­sist all those in need.

Coun­cil­lor Ken­nick Suepaul said his boss al­ways re­minds them to for­get the pol­i­tics and par­ty af­fil­i­a­tion and put their en­er­gy in serv­ing the peo­ple of their re­spec­tive dis­tricts. At every coun­cil meet­ing, he will use his mantra: “Good for one, good for all.”

Coun­cil­lor Paul Mon­go­las said Ron­don has a no-non­sense at­ti­tude and ap­pre­ci­ates when he sees his coun­cil­lors fol­low­ing in his foot­steps by do­ing the right and ho­n­ourable thing that will make peo­ple hap­py when prob­lems are ad­dressed.

For­mer Point Fortin may­or Clyde Paul said Ron­don was a shin­ing light among oth­er chair­men. "He loves work­ing for his peo­ple in his re­gion and at times for­sake his own fam­i­ly.

Ron­don in re­sponse said God gave him the gift of love and he in­tends to con­tin­ue with that gift as long as he lives. Over 500, ham­pers were dis­trib­uted to peo­ple at the func­tion.

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