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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

San Fernando immortalises hometown heroes Crawford and Wilkes


Kevon Felmine
2030 days ago
 1976 Olympic Gold Medallist Hasely Crawford, left, view the Wall of Fame with San Fernando Mayor Junia Regrello after the unveiling ceremony at the Harris Promenade Bandstand in San Fernando, yesterday.

1976 Olympic Gold Medallist Hasely Crawford, left, view the Wall of Fame with San Fernando Mayor Junia Regrello after the unveiling ceremony at the Harris Promenade Bandstand in San Fernando, yesterday.


“Live your dream, work hard, study hard and be dis­ci­plined” was the recipe for suc­cess as told by T&T’s first Olympic gold medal­ist Hase­ly Craw­ford, whose name was im­mor­tal­ized by the City of San Fer­nan­do yes­ter­day.

To­geth­er with fel­low Olympian, the late Rod­ney Wilkes, plaques com­mem­o­rat­ing their mo­men­tous achieve­ments were in­stalled on the band­stand along Har­ris Prom­e­nade, op­po­site the San Fer­nan­do City Hall.

Craw­ford won gold in the 100 me­tres sprint event at the 1976 Olympics in Mon­tre­al, Cana­da. Wilkes, who died in 2014 at age 89,  won T&T’s first-ever Olympic medal, a sil­ver in weight lift­ing at the 1948 Olympics in Lon­don, Eng­land.

Craw­ford, who has a sta­di­um named af­ter him, said it was the first time he was be­ing ho­n­oured in his home­town. De­spite all the recog­ni­tion he gained over the years, he said be­ing ho­n­oured at the place where he ran as a child felt spe­cial.

“One of the rea­sons I ac­cept­ed this ho­n­our is be­cause I re­al­ly want young peo­ple to know what it takes to win an Olympic gold medal. Re­cent­ly there was a book on me where­by the young chil­dren of this coun­try will know about Hase­ly Craw­ford’s achieve­ments,” he said.

San Fer­nan­do May­or Ju­nia Re­grel­lo said the men are the first of sev­er­al home­town he­roes whose feats will don the band­stand. Ex­plain­ing the rea­son for the ini­tia­tive, Re­grel­lo said that from a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive, these achieve­ments and he­roes need to be put there as a re­minder for gen­er­a­tions to come.

“We have a short mem­o­ry and young peo­ple are not fa­mil­iar with our his­to­ry. I think it is im­por­tant for them to know the his­to­ry of Hase­ly’s achieve­ments, what he has done for this coun­try and San Fer­nan­do by ex­ten­sion,” Re­grel­lo said.

He said that when the band­stand was re­built, space was des­ig­nat­ed on the hexa­gon to fea­ture the names and achieve­ments of lo­cals. He said there were none more fit­ting than Craw­ford and Wilkes to be­gin the ini­tia­tive. 

In 2018, Bertrand Street, where Wilkes lived, was re­named in his ho­n­our. Rep­re­sent­ing his fam­i­ly, his step-son Patrick Lau­rence said his fam­i­ly was ap­pre­cia­tive of the move.

Al­though Wilkes died in pover­ty, af­ter bat­tling prostate can­cer, Lau­rence re­vealed that he knew that long af­ter his death, he would be re­mem­bered and his name called.

A com­mit­tee has been set up to re­view and make rec­om­men­da­tions to de­ter­mine who else will be memo­ri­al­ized on the band­stand.


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