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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sando cops seize 10 weapons before J’Ouvert celebrations


Anna-Lisa Paul
11 days ago
The weapons seized by police officers during J’Ouvert celebrations in San Fernando on Carnival Monday.

The weapons seized by police officers during J’Ouvert celebrations in San Fernando on Carnival Monday.

Courtesy TTPS

Po­lice of­fi­cers re­cov­ered nine knives and one icepick dur­ing an an­ti-crime op­er­a­tion in San Fer­nan­do for the J’ou­vert cel­e­bra­tions on Car­ni­val Mon­day,.

The ex­er­cise ran from 8.30 am to 12 noon and was co­or­di­nat­ed by ACP Wayne Mys­tar and in­clud­ed Cpl Hug­gins and oth­er mem­bers of the San Fer­nan­do Op­er­a­tions and En­quiries Unit.

Of­fi­cers stopped and searched sev­er­al peo­ple car­ry­ing one-strap shoul­der bags dur­ing the ex­er­cise.

Among those ar­rest­ed was a well-known 42-year-old firearm and rob­bery of­fend­er, who was charged with pos­ses­sion of a weapon; re­sist­ing ar­rest and pos­ses­sion of 112 grams of mar­i­jua­na.

In an un­re­lat­ed in­ci­dent at 9.30 am on Mon­day in Ch­agua­nas, a mem­ber of the T&T Reg­i­ment (TTR) was re­port­ed­ly ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers fol­low­ing an al­ter­ca­tion dur­ing which he al­leged­ly bit an of­fi­cer on the hand at La­m­ont Street, En­ter­prise.

Mem­bers of the Cen­tral Di­vi­sion Gang Unit were re­port­ed­ly on Car­ni­val du­ty along Ram­saran Street, Ch­agua­nas, when they at­tempt­ed to search a group of men.

The Lance Cor­po­ral was re­port­ed to be among the group and pushed one of the of­fi­cers and said, “Move from by f---ing me, doh dis­re­spect my gyul.”

He al­so al­leged­ly at­tempt­ed to hit an­oth­er of­fi­cer.

As of­fi­cers strug­gled to sub­due the sus­pect and called for back­up, the sol­dier al­leged­ly bit one of the of­fi­cers on his fin­gers.

Five of­fi­cers and the sus­pect were lat­er treat­ed at the Ch­agua­nas Health Fa­cil­i­ty for mi­nor in­juries.

Mean­while, one man had to be treat­ed at hos­pi­tal fol­low­ing a shoot­ing in Port-of-Spain, while a sec­ond man nar­row­ly es­caped be­ing shot af­ter jump­ing in a drain yes­ter­day.

In the first in­ci­dent at 12.14 am, a 30-year-old man of Cal­vary Hill, East Dry Riv­er, Port-of-Spain, was shot whilst walk­ing along Pic­cadil­ly Street.

The vic­tim told po­lice he was walk­ing west when up­on reach­ing the Man­go Rose hous­ing scheme, he heard gun­shots and be­gan run­ning. Re­al­is­ing he had been shot in the right in­dex fin­ger, the vic­tim al­leged­ly ran to the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, where he was treat­ed and dis­charged.

In the sec­ond in­ci­dent at 11.30 am, a 33-year-old man, of Hard­ing Place, Co­corite, was walk­ing north along Wa­ter­hole Road when he met and had an ar­gu­ment with a man known to him.

It is al­leged the sus­pect walked be­hind Build­ing 4 whilst the vic­tim con­tin­ued walk­ing along. How­ev­er, the sus­pect re­port­ed­ly re­turned with a gun, which he point­ed at the vic­tim and opened fire. The vic­tim be­gan to run and jumped in­to a drain to es­cape the gun­man, who lat­er dis­ap­peared.

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