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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago named Best Consumer Digital Bank 2021


1294 days ago
Gayle Pazos, Managing Director of Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago.  (Image courtesy Scotiabank)

Gayle Pazos, Managing Director of Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago. (Image courtesy Scotiabank)

Sco­tia­bank has been named Trinidad and To­ba­go’s Best Con­sumer Dig­i­tal Bank 2021 by Glob­al Fi­nance of New York.

In an of­fi­cial state­ment on the bank’s achieve­ment, Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor of Sco­tia­bank Trinidad and To­ba­go, Gayle Pa­zos, notes the cur­rent pan­dem­ic pro­vid­ed an op­por­tu­ni­ty for the bank to lever­age tech­nol­o­gy to serve cus­tomers dig­i­tal­ly.

“Sup­port­ing our cus­tomers dur­ing this time re­mains a pri­or­i­ty. In our ef­forts to help cus­tomers Stay Home and Stay Safe, we quick­ly de­ployed and con­tin­ue to de­ploy a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of re­sources as well as a se­ries of ini­tia­tives and cus­tomer ed­u­ca­tion pro­grammes to help them bank dig­i­tal­ly. This led to an in­crease of over 1.4 mil­lion on­line and mo­bile trans­ac­tions from the on­set of the pan­dem­ic, a true tes­ta­ment of our cus­tomers’ con­fi­dence in our dig­i­tal plat­forms,” she ex­plained.

The Sco­tia­bank boss added: “The on­go­ing pan­dem­ic has giv­en us an op­por­tu­ni­ty to not on­ly lever­age our tech­no­log­i­cal ca­pa­bil­i­ties but al­so ac­tive­ly lis­ten more to what our cus­tomers are say­ing. Many of the en­hance­ments we have made are as a di­rect re­sult of their feed­back and we re­main com­mit­ted to dri­ving fur­ther im­prove­ments to­wards safer, faster and more con­ve­nient bank­ing.”

Com­ment­ing on the award from Glob­al Fi­nance, Ms Pa­zos stat­ed:

“We are thrilled that our progress on our dig­i­tal front has been recog­nised. Thanks to our cus­tomers for their con­tin­ued trust in us as we help them man­age the ef­fects of the pan­dem­ic, as well as our win­ning team of em­ploy­ees who con­tin­ue to demon­strate their re­silien­cy, en­sur­ing our cus­tomers’ needs are met.”

Win­ning banks were se­lect­ed based on the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria: strength of strat­e­gy for at­tract­ing and ser­vic­ing dig­i­tal cus­tomers; suc­cess in get­ting clients to use dig­i­tal of­fer­ings; growth of dig­i­tal cus­tomers; breadth of prod­uct of­fer­ings; ev­i­dence of tan­gi­ble ben­e­fits gained from dig­i­tal ini­tia­tives; and web/mo­bile site de­sign and func­tion­al­i­ty.

Sco­tia­bank Trinidad and To­ba­go’s award for Best Con­sumer Dig­i­tal Bank comes on the heels of Sco­tia­bank’s glob­al recog­ni­tion for in­no­va­tion in fi­nan­cial ser­vices by The Banker’s Glob­al In­no­va­tion in Dig­i­tal Bank­ing Awards 2021. The Most In­no­v­a­tive in Da­ta award ac­knowl­edges the Bank's in­vest­ments in da­ta and an­a­lyt­ics, as well as its com­mit­ment to de­liv­er­ing a more per­son­al­ized cus­tomer ex­pe­ri­ence.

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