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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Second COVID-19 case confirmed


1824 days ago


The Min­istry of Health has an­nounced a sec­ond con­firmed case of coro­n­avirus COVID-19.

The fol­low­ing is a state­ment by the Min­istry:

“The Min­istry of Health, Trinidad and To­ba­go, ad­vis­es of the coun­try’s sec­ond con­firmed case of Coro­n­avirus Dis­ease 2019 (COVID-19).

On Fri­day 13th March, 2020 at 7:44 p.m., the Caribbean Pub­lic Health Agency in­formed Min­istry of Health of­fi­cials of the pos­i­tive test re­sult. The pa­tient is a 66-year-old male with a re­cent trav­el his­to­ry (less than 14 days ago).

The pa­tient pre­sent­ed at a pub­lic health fa­cil­i­ty on Thurs­day 12th March 2020. He was im­me­di­ate­ly at­tend­ed to in the Ac­ci­dent and Emer­gency De­part­ment and has been iso­lat­ed.

The rel­e­vant Coun­ty Med­ical Of­fi­cer of Health has al­ready ini­ti­at­ed con­tact trac­ing of per­sons who have been in close in­ter­ac­tion with the pa­tient. All per­sons who may have been ex­posed will be quar­an­tined.

All pub­lic health mea­sures con­tin­ue to be strict­ly ad­hered to in or­der to safe­guard the health of the Trinidad and To­ba­go pop­u­la­tion.

As more in­for­ma­tion be­comes avail­able, the pub­lic will be ad­vised, as ap­pro­pri­ate.”

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