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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Siparia Corp ‘saves’ jobs of 120 workers


Sascha Wilson
2035 days ago
Councillor Christine Neptune, left, councillor Gerald Debesette, alderman Christopher Encinas, councillor Alston Cadore and councillor Arlene Ramdeo look at a document during the press conference at the corporation yesterday.

Councillor Christine Neptune, left, councillor Gerald Debesette, alderman Christopher Encinas, councillor Alston Cadore and councillor Arlene Ramdeo look at a document during the press conference at the corporation yesterday.


The jobs of 120 ca­su­al and tem­po­rary work­ers at the Siparia Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion jobs were saved on Mon­day af­ter mon­ey was sourced from an­oth­er ac­count to pay them in a last-ditch ef­fort.

But PNM coun­cil­lors claimed it was a ploy by the UNC to milk po­lit­i­cal mileage from a sit­u­a­tion which could have been avoid­ed.

As wor­ried work­ers gath­ered at the cor­po­ra­tion ex­pect­ing to re­ceive their let­ters of ter­mi­na­tion, the cor­po­ra­tion’s chair­man, Glenn Ra­mad­hars­ingh, was in an emer­gency meet­ing with the ad­min­is­tra­tive staff.

“Be­fore that meet­ing, I met with the CEO and a few col­leagues and in­struct­ed him that the coun­cil’s view is not send­ing home any­one to their homes with­out bread on their ta­ble,” Ra­mad­hars­ingh said.

In­stead, they de­cid­ed to use all the mon­ey from the ma­te­r­i­al and sup­plies and mi­nor equip­ment to pay the work­ers salaries un­til the end of the fis­cal year.

Ra­mad­hars­ingh, how­ev­er, came un­der fire by the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) coun­cil­lors who ac­cused him of play­ing pol­i­tics with the work­ers’ lives.

The coun­cil­lors said Ra­mad­hars­ingh at the coun­cil meet­ing last Thurs­day said there was a pos­si­bil­i­ty of work­ers be­ing sent home due to fi­nan­cial con­cerns.

How­ev­er, they said the mat­ter was brushed aside then by Ra­mad­hars­ingh.

Al­der­man Al­ston Cadore said the funds from the ma­te­r­i­al and sup­plies and mi­nor equip­ment was an op­tion open to the chair­man, but in­stead of dis­cussing it with the coun­cil he reck­less­ly and pre­ma­ture­ly sent out a state­ment on Fri­day that work­ers had to be ter­mi­nat­ed. 

His ac­tions, Al­der­man Christo­pher Eu­ci­nas said, “served on­ly to gain po­lit­i­cal points with no con­cern with the emo­tion­al trau­ma such a re­lease would have on its work­force.”

He called on the chair­man to apol­o­gise to the work­ers for the trau­ma they had ex­pe­ri­enced. How­ev­er, Ra­mad­hars­ingh said he on­ly act­ed af­ter he was in­formed by the chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer that 99 work­ers were to be sent home for 16 days.

Re­it­er­at­ing that the cor­po­ra­tion was starved for funds and grind­ing to a halt, the chair­man called on the gov­ern­ment to re­lease the cor­po­ra­tion funds.

“In ma­te­r­i­al and sup­plies out of a $1 mil­lion we have a $100,000 re­lease to spread in the nine elec­toral dis­tricts. Can you imag­ine that each coun­cil­lor gets $10,000 to buy ce­ment and grav­el and oil sand in his area when he is en­ti­tled to $100,000.”

He ques­tioned whether there was some form of dis­crim­i­na­tion against op­po­si­tion-con­trolled cor­po­ra­tions as oth­er chair­men from Pe­nal/Debe, Princes Town and Ma­yaro Cor­po­ra­tions, as well as Ch­agua­nas may­or, have been com­plain­ing about a lack of fund­ing.

Com­ment­ing on the sit­u­a­tion yes­ter­day was sec­ond deputy pres­i­dent-gen­er­al of the Na­tion­al Union of Gov­ern­ment and Fed­er­at­ed Work­ers’ Clifton Simp­son said he met with the cor­po­ra­tion’s chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer Ra­jin­dranath Gan­goo, who de­nied that a de­ci­sion was tak­en to send home work­ers.

Not­ing that no coun­cil­lor can hire or fire a work­er, Simp­son said the union ought to be con­sult­ed be­fore any de­ci­sion is tak­en to fire a work­er.

Gan­goo de­clined to com­ment when Guardian Me­dia con­tact­ed him.

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