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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Spelling error on Morvant sign fixed


27 days ago
The welcome to Morvant Laventille sign, which had a spelling error at its unveiling on Wednesday, has been fixed.

The welcome to Morvant Laventille sign, which had a spelling error at its unveiling on Wednesday, has been fixed.


The East Port-of-Spain (EPoS) De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny has de­scribed a now rec­ti­fied spelling er­ror on its new­ly un­veiled Wel­come to Mor­vant Laven­tille sign as a “learn­ing op­por­tu­ni­ty,” and the staff re­spon­si­ble for the project are said to be deeply apolo­getic.

How­ev­er, EPoS chair­man, Hillan More­an ex­pressed dis­ap­point­ment with the pub­lic com­men­tary sur­round­ing the in­ci­dent, as he claimed an EPoS di­rec­tor was at­tacked on so­cial me­dia over the er­ror.

Short­ly af­ter un­veil­ing the sign dur­ing a cer­e­mo­ny at the in­ter­sec­tion of La­dy Young Road and the East­ern Main Road at Mor­vant Junc­tion on Wednes­day, the pub­lic no­ticed that one of the ar­eas was in­cor­rect­ly spelt. “Arneaud Av­enue” was in­stead spelt “Arneaud Anenue.”

Yes­ter­day, Guardian Me­dia saw a cor­rect­ed sign with some of the street names re­arranged on it.

More­an ex­plained, “I felt it was a mis­take that should have been picked up on; in­ter­nal­ly we got the apolo­gies from our staff about the cir­cum­stances and the or­gan­i­sa­tion as­so­ci­at­ed with it. I am treat­ing it in­ter­nal­ly be­cause we re­ceived those apolo­gies in­ter­nal­ly.”

He added, “We are do­ing a post-mortem right now, we are tak­ing this as a learn­ing op­por­tu­ni­ty to en­sure that there is a cer­tain lev­el of fol­low-up be­fore cer­tain projects are ex­e­cut­ed. Nine­ty-nine per cent of what we do is project ex­e­cu­tion, so this is just one of those projects that un­for­tu­nate­ly fell through the cracks.”

More­an said cor­rect­ing the sign did not cost the tax­pay­ers any ad­di­tion­al mon­ey, as it was done by the sup­pli­er free of charge.

The EPoS chair­man said he apol­o­gised to his board of di­rec­tors, line min­istry, which is the Hous­ing Min­istry, and the peo­ple of Mor­vant and en­vi­rons for the er­ror.

How­ev­er, he was dis­ap­point­ed with the pub­lic’s re­ac­tion.

“One of our di­rec­tors was at­tacked on so­cial me­dia. A lot of dis­parag­ing com­ments were made about her. And I know peo­ple think it’s easy to hide be­hind a so­cial me­dia per­sona and at­tack who they per­ceive to be some­one in some lev­el of au­thor­i­ty, but it’s nasty when peo­ple do those sorts of things,” More­an said.

He was al­so dis­turbed by the com­ments out­side of the spelling er­ror.

“I was more shocked with the type of neg­a­tive com­ments peo­ple have in their minds for East PoS res­i­dents. I saw scores of com­ments by peo­ple that the sign should in­stead say ‘home of ban­dits and killers’. And it is sad for me to see that peo­ple see res­i­dents of East PoS as that when they are much more than that,” he lament­ed.

More­an wants the pub­lic to take note of the work be­ing done by EPoS and not be dis­tract­ed by the spelling er­ror.

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