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Monday, February 24, 2025

Tensions rise as protests spread outside of city


1700 days ago
Police on Nelson Street today.

Police on Nelson Street today.

Roberto Codallo

Protests have spread to Co­corite and Care­nage as mem­bers of the De­fence Force have been called out to as­sist po­lice.

The Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty, Stu­art Young has called for calm while ac­cus­ing crim­i­nal el­e­ments of caus­ing the protest.

The protests were sparked by the po­lice shoot­ings of three men in Sec­ond Cale­do­nia, Mor­vant on Sat­ur­day.

CCTV footage showed the men with their hands in the air be­fore they were shot by po­lice.

There are fires in Sea Lots, Beetham, Laven­tille, East Port-of-Spain and in some parts of Mor­vant.

Smoke from a fire in Sea Lots.

Smoke from a fire in Sea Lots.

Po­lice have been turn­ing back ve­hi­cles en­ter­ing Port-of-Spain and there have been spo­radic gun­fire heard in some of the protests.

A bul­let was found lod­gesin a win­dow on the third floor of the Min­istry of Le­gal Af­fairs tow­er in Port-of-Spain.

Po­lice have ar­rest­ed some res­i­dents.

There is a fire burn­ing at the SWM­COL com­pound in Sea Lots.

Sev­er­al build­ings in Port-of-Spain have closed and work­ers have been mak­ing their way home.

There are re­ports of po­lice of­fi­cers be­ing at­tacked with pro­jec­tiles and at least one of­fi­cer has been in­jured.

Burning debris in Sea Lots.

Burning debris in Sea Lots.

The Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty has called on any­one with in­for­ma­tion to take it to the Po­lice Com­plaints Au­thor­i­ty which is con­duct­ing an in­ves­ti­ga­tion.Sev­er­al peo­ple have al­so been wound­ed by gun­shots.

POS & En­vi­rons

0900hrs - NP Fly­over - Protest and burn­ing of de­bris.

0920hrs - Co­conut Dri­ve, Mor­vant - Protest & burn­ing of de­bris.

Protests have spread to parts of the Dei­go Mar­tin Main Road and to Mal­oney.

0930hrs - Clifton Hill - Car burnt at Clifton Hill as well as de­bris.

0935hrs - Pi­o­neer Dri­ve, Sealots - Large gath­er­ing at Sea Lots in the vicin­i­ty of the Light­house; heavy smoke re­port­ed.

0939hrs - Bel­mont Val­ley Road, Bel­mont - Blocked street & burn­ing of de­bris.

Protest on the Lady Young Road.

Protest on the Lady Young Road.

0940hrs - Dun­can and Prince Streets (at the be­gin­ning of Laven­tille Rd) – Burn­ing de­bris.

0943hrs - Cor. Prince & Pic­cadil­ly St. - TTPS re­quest­ed ad­di­tion­al sup­port for out-of-con­trol crowd.

0944hrs - Nel­son & Prince St. - TTPS re­quest­ed ad­di­tion­al as­sis­tance for out-of-con­trol crowd.

0950hrs - Link Rd. Mal­ick – Protest mount­ing.

0957hrs - Ob­ser­va­to­ry St., POS - Burn­ing de­bris.

1011hrs - 6th & 7th Ave. Barataria - Burn­ing of de­bris.

1030hrs - Nel­son & Prince St. – Mount­ing protest.

Loud ex­plo­sions re­port­ed:

Tokoyo Pa­n­yard - Pash­ley Street, John John & the Beetham Area.

Im­pass­able ar­eas:

Pi­o­neer Dri­ve, Sealots - Traf­fic di­vert­ed on both the east and west­bound lanes.

Spree Si­mon – West bound traf­fic lim­it­ed and east bound di­vert­ed.

Con­gest­ed/ Lim­it­ed flow ar­eas:

Pash­ley Street and the Beetham High­way (in the vicin­i­ty of the dump) on both east and west­bound lanes.

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